If you’re a fit-conscious female living in NYC then you probably know about Physique 57. You probably take a class there at least once a week. You probably own a few pairs of carpet gripping socks. You probably have a favorite Physique 57 instructor which means you probably know Chanelle. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then go to www.physique57.com and sign up to experience the workout trend that’s sculpting NYC ladies (and some gents) into lean, sexy hard bodies. I suggest you take a class taught by Chanelle.
Chanelle is a Physique 57 cult favorite. She defines fitness inside and out. Her classes are fast and furious, and word on the street is that she’s one of the hardest instructors. When I took her class, I was impressed by the ass whooping she delivered with a cheeky smile. I wanted to hate her but instead I went back for more. I’m hooked on her BLT therapy (butt, legs & thighs) and love the results. Chanelle is a Physique 57 gem with the power to motivate people to shape the body of their dreams. I was curious to find out more about Chanelle and her job. Check out what she had to say…
On becoming an instructor with Physique 57:
“It all started when I was sitting on the Metro North heading into the city. I sat next to a woman and we started to chat. I told her that I was a dancer and looking for work when I graduate from college, and she told me about a gym where she works out that has many teachers who are dancers. She said I should look into it, and said it’s called Physique57.”
On her approach to teaching class:
“When I walk in to teach a Physique57 class, I strive to provide a highly energetic, informative environment that is safe and enjoyable for all. I feed off the energy I get from the class.”
On the change she sees in people who take her classes regularly?
“I notice not only a physical change in their bodies, but their energy level and daily motivation also increase.”
On staying fit with Physique 57:
“Depending on my schedule I like to take class 3 times a week. I get a workout just by teaching the class, and that’s 15 classes a week!”
On what she wears to work out:
“It all depends on the workout. When I take a Physique57 class, I like to wear Lululemon pants and tops. They are very supportive and are flattering for the shape. When I run, I like to wear a pair of old sweats, with a sports bra and a Hanes white tank.”
On the most rewarding part of her job:
“The most rewarding part of being a fitness instructor is seeing the change in the clients. Walking in the room they have one persona; ranging from drowsiness even up to frustration. However, when the class is finished with sweat pouring down their faces, they seem content, stronger, and empowered. At the end of the day, seeing the clients happy is what makes my day and makes me want to work hard for them.”
There’s no question Chanelle works hard and you’ll leave her class feeling like you did too. BLT therapy is only a click away: www.physique57.com.