My full time job really does entail covering fitness fashion & trends.
In case you don't know my story or how I left a career that afforded me Helmut Lang moto-jackets, Jimmy Choo pumps and purses, and a walk-in closet to keep them all in, then you can quickly read about that HERE.
I feel blessed to say that I have the job and company of my dreams. I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world (even if I can no longer afford the "extras"). Wanna know why? Well, because every day is an adventure.
Leave it to to outline a day in my "active" life where the line between work, passion and pasttime is most definitely blurred. Check it out and click the link below!
* A Day in the Life of Fitness: MizzFIT *
What's your dream job???
Are you living it out? If not, what the heck is stopping you? Share a little bit about your ambitions and life goals in the comments section below. I'd love to hear about what makes you tick or how I can help you find your calling.