Here's a different approach to your 2019 New Year's resolutions... Let me begin by saying I’ve always been a runner. I blog about it a lot. But this blog post is about something different, and I’m just going to use running as an example.
Sometimes in life we say we’re going to do something and we begin going through the motions of completing the act but never quite get to the finish. I’m not blaming you here (even though I know you're guilty of it), I blame myself. It frustrates me that I set goals and flake out on myself. So in 2017, after running enough races to qualify for the 2018 New York Marathon, I decided that I wasn’t going to flake. I registered for the marathon. It was a done deal.
Did I want to run a marathon? Not particuar.ly I’ve run so many already. Also, I know what it does to your body, feet and most of all, your social schedule. When you have to wake up for a Saturday morning race that begins lining up at 7.15am, you’re SOL for grabbing cocktails the night before. Although I did test this once, and ended up on the sideline of the course with the medical van at attention trying to assess what was wrong with me. “Umm, yeah, I’m just really hung over and my stomach hurts…but I think I can hobble through the last mile, Mr. Paramedic.”
It didn’t matter that I wasn’t jumping up and down to run the marathon. All that mattered is that I was going to finish what I started. And guess what? I freakin’ did it! Here’s a video of me crossing the finish line of the 2018 NY Marathon on November 4th, 2018. I was crying if you can’t tell.
The pain in my blood blistered feet was excruciating and my legs were so tensed up that my strides had become mere bunny hops. But in that last mile I was energetically propelled forward by all the runners around me. Much thanks is also due to the lady with the loud horn who screamed my name when I came to a stop and demanded I keep running because she knew I had it in me. Damnit, I’m crying now just thinking about it.
Ok, let me get back to what I was saying. Resolutions aren’t just about setting big goals for yourself that will make you feel more accomplished. Resolutions are ALSO about completing a circle.
What have you started that needs to be finished? Take a moment to really think about it. I get it, you might not want to revisit something you lost passion for, but how would you feel if you did? Relieved? Proud. Less anxious? More confident in your abilities? Responsible? Ready and excited to move on to another goal? Unstuck?
In many instances, finishing that particular thing will ease a lot of stress, guilt and anxiety in your life. For example, I have been meaning to re-launch my website here at Mizzfit.com for over a year. The crazy part is that it’s 95% done and I still haven’t finished that last 5%, which will probably take me no time at all. It makes no sense and my procrastination only causes me to feel disappointment in myself. So, I have resolved to finally finish it as my #1 resolution for 2019.
Perhaps think of finishing what you started as CLOSURE. I know I do! I always knew I would run 1 more marathon in my life. Now that I’ve done it, I’ve closed that chapter. Because the only thing I could think about during the actual 2018 marathon was how much I didn’t enjoy it the way I used to years ago. I love to run…but just not marathons anymore. So look, I got my closure and finíto! My new fitness resolution is to continue running smaller races on a weekly basis but nothing more extreme than a half marathon.
Without beating a dead horse, I think it’s important to establish the events or perhaps non-events in your life that need to see their finish. Is it a relationship? A trip you've been contemplating but just haven't pulled the trigger on? A diet regimen you promised to follow but somehow let 1 little failure stop you from succeeding at it? Or let me guess, a fitness routine you didn’t commit to? Whatever it happens to be, write it down. Now's your chance to nip it in the bud.
Here's what I need to do...
- Finish the new Mizzfit.com website once and for all. I mean, c’mon Bianca!
- Finish editing all the great health & beauty videos I shot in 2018 that are just sitting as footage on my camera. I got busy and then too overwhelmed to finish them, but really, I know it's possible.
- Return to the awkward conversations I had with people I care about who I no longer speak to, and see if the relationships can be mended. No friendship should end with bad text. Right?
- Finish the giant gorilla tattoo across my back.
- Totally kidding! There’s no tattoo! Just having a little fun here ;)
- I need to stop stalking the SONY camera I’ve been eyeing and just go into B&H and put an end to my obsession and buy it. Sometimes I get weird about making big purchases even though I've done the research and know it's right…
- Begin private Spanish classes at Berges. I’m so advanced that group classes just weren’t cutting it…but practicing my Spanish makes me happy so I need to finish the last part of this language journey.
- And lastly, finish cleaning out my fitness wardrobe! You don’t even want to know how much fitness apparel I own. I can’t possibly wear it all and it’s time to finish organizing, gifting things away and donating to second hand stores like Housing Works.
How does your list compare to mine? I'm super curious...tell me in the comments below.
2 things I will not be getting rid of during my fitness closet clean-up is the adidas Women’s Originals athleisure outfit I’m wearing throughout this blog post. It’s the most comfortable #ootd that I’ve ever shot in. It feels great to lounge around in but when the weather eventually warms up, I'll rock it with some open-toe platform shoes.
Both snap down sides and zip bottom track pants like these adidas BB Track Pants are SO BACK! Anything hip hop inspired is so my bag right now. This adidas Cropped Ribbed Bra Top that looks like a beater stole my heart and I’d even rock it with high waisted jeans or a black bodycon skirt.
I had so much fun shooting these movement images with my best friend, Michelle. She talks a lot about resolutions and working on your fitness journey, so go and check her out at @Michelle_Yogogirls for even more inspiration on this topic.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Remember, FINISHING WHAT YOU STARTED IS MORE IMPRESSIVE THAN JUST SETTING GOALS. So, remember to pat yourself on the back a little once you get your list done.
XO, Bianca Jade
This post was sponsored by adidas, all opinions are my own.