Stella McCartney introduces a different kind of catwalk to fashion die-hards and explains the relationship between fashion and sport in her active-wear designs.
“We’re not trying to take sportswear to fashion. We’re trying to take fashion to sportswear, which I think is quite novel for that arena because it’s usually the other way around. We’re trying to stay quite true to what we set out to do.”
You have to give it to Stella…she brings edgy fashion to the fitness camp. I love her latest collection featuring sheer, lightweight fabrics, but I think her designs are too delicate for intense fitness activity. Her line doesn’t offer athletes much support, insulation or weather protection. Stella’s collection hangs nicely on store racks and these days I see most of it on sale. I have faith in the line though and I think it won’t be long before Stella nails it. For now, I love that she’s creatively bridging fashion and fitness. The clips from the London Fashion Week show are beyond amazing!