Every now and then I do back-to-back workouts, and let me tell you, it's not always fun. You get so sore! But, when Well + Good's Fitness Biathlon is happening, I'm ALL IN. It's an amazing multi-city event that takes place every year to raise money for wellness-focused charities and organizations. The best local fitness studios participate and everyone who signs up gets to pick 2 studios for a back-to-back workout. This year's charity was Young Survival Coalition and I believe over $25,000 was raised.
The biathlon kicked off in New York City in the mid-afternoon, which made it nice and easy for Saturday late risers to commit (myself included). I was ecstatic that I got to select my team by neighborhood and revist 2 boutique workouts that I haven't done in ages: Aerospace & Peloton.
When you sign up for the biathlon, you're given team choices or "tracks". It's great to do with a group of friends. You literally run to your next class once you finish the first, which makes the short break in between more of a cool down session. You're basically moving for 2 hours straight but the change in pace and the shift in workout is far from grueling.
I got the best workout and had so much fun! VEGA provided protein bars at every studio and delicious berry shakes at my final track, which was Peloton Cycle.
My friends and followers have been convincing to go on a all plant life protein regimen for a while. While I'm far from giving up meat, I've been using VEGA protein supplements for the past few months to energize and restore my body pre and post workout.
The taste is what keeps me coming back for more. VEGA blends so well with bananas, berries, coconut flakes and nuts. That's pretty much what I like to make my shakes with, so it's an easy choice for me. Another favorite of mine is Vega Clean Energy, which was featured in my last Style Up 2 Shape Up Quarterly box seen below.
Speaking of, the next box ships in November. Everything inside will motivate you to work out with the latest trends in fitness, beauty and wellness. GET IT HERE! You won't regret it ;)