Will you be mine fit this Valentine's Day?
Check out these VDAY-inspired fitness activities happening in NYC...
FLEX APPEAL - Friday, February 12 @ 4pm
A speed dating 60 min yoga class/workout
Location: Crunch Gym @ 404 Lafayette St.
Free and open to the public. Giveways and drink tickets included.
LOVE CUBED - Sunday, February 14 @ 12pm
A 5K run along the Hudson River Park to benefit the American Cancer Society
Location: 42 W. 14th St.
Hosted by JackRabbit & Save the Date(ing). Run followed by an open bar mixer from 1pm-3pm Expect food, drinks and discounts on JR merch.
Sign up now because supposedly spots are limited.
UPDATE: Registration for ladies currently SOLD OUT and currently only open to men. Doesn't mean we (ladies) can't crash it.
JACKRABBIT FUN RUN - Sunday, February 14 @ 9am
Run in and around Central Park with Team In Training
Location: Lexington between 84th & 85th St.
Expect a giveaway contest!
If you'd like to add a VDAY fitness event to this list, please send an email to info@mizzFIT.com. Thanks!