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May The Forza Be With You
I heard that Forza, a group fitness class at Equinox gym, was martial arts inspired but I had no idea it involved a sword. When I walked into class, I thought this is going to be a piece of cake. C' much can you really move with a big, heavy stick? Well, I got my answer within minutes as Stephen Bel Davies, a Forza certified instructor, began to lead the class through a series of fast-paced samurai sword routines.
Forza is a full-body, cardiovascular workout that involves quick arm movements and rotations to make warrior-style "cuts" in the air. It's actually pretty cool--when else do you have the opportunity to wield a sword without being laughed at? The Forza sword is called a bokken, modeled after a Japanese Katana and made from either plastic or wood. Plastic bokkens are heavier (they have a metal rod center) and provide a more challenging workout. Wooden ones are recommended for beginners. I found using the bokken comparable to working with free...
Hot pants for hot yoga.
Hot pants for hot yoga.
Accessorize and insulate with arm warmers.
Accessorize and insulate with arm warmers.
Go gaga for these goggles.
Go gaga for these goggles.
Don a designer duffel to the gym.
Don a designer duffel to the gym.
Choose tops with creative neck lines and extra padding (only if you need it).
Choose tops with creative neck lines and extra padding (only if you need it).
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