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City-Scape Sportswear by Lucas Hugh

You don't have to live in NYC or London to enjoy a sparkly evening skyline. Just throw on some Lucas Hugh! This uber chic sportswear collection is meant to be worn both as street clothes and workout wear. The experimental prints and fabrics are unconventional to fitness making the collection a standout option for the gym. My favorite pieces are the full length tights with a high waistline. They suck your belly in and look cute as hell with an over-sized sweater and some knee-high boots.

The Smartest Scale on Earth by Fitbit

I'm not going to lie. I hate scales and the whole weighing-in process. But Fitbit's NEW Aria Scale ($129.95) trumps all scales because not only does it recognize you and every person in your household from each other, but it taps into your home's Wi-Fi to upload and graph your progress...or perhaps your downward spiral, like mine after Thanksgiving.

The Aria sends your info including your body fat % to your personal account on which you can log into without anyone knowing your business. There's also a free iphone app in case you want to obsess over how much weight you lost for the New Year. Because that's one of your resolutions, right?

Being Thankful Post-Thanksgiving is Possible! Tips to Maintain Your Grateful Vibe.

I hate to see Thanksgiving pass because it's my favorite holiday.

Thanksgiving week helps me reflect on what I have and don't have in my life. There was a time I only yearned for what I did not have...for a future full of amazing things that would make my life better. I've since learned, the future is now and the only thing that makes my life better is filling it with love. Take a look at the moments for which I'm eternally thankful and my tips for maintaining a grateful vibe post-thanksgiving.

Don't forget!

After viewing my thankful moments, please take a second to tell me about one of yours in the comments section at the way bottom. I'll pick a winner for a very nice winter fitness prize. More than anything, I like to hear your stories of gratitude because YOU (my readers) are my inspiration.

The Moments For Which There Aren't Enough Thank You's

So thankful for: My good friend Megan Hutt who rushed to my side to help me set up for a Thanksgiving-Fitness...

The Marathon That Never Happened in NYC

Mayor Bloomberg caved and canceled the ING NYC Marathon. I won't lie, I was upset. After being evacuated and homeless for over a week because of Hurricane Sandy's hit, the marathon was the 1 thing I looked forward to.

That's me and my boyfriend on the Metro North Train escaping Manhattan to find a warm and safe place to stay.

But sometimes you have to accept the things you cannot change in order to summon the courage to change the things you can. My story begins with the outfit I did not get to wear for the marathon that never happened.

I had planned on dressing colorfully in Lorna Jane running apparel. I tested every piece of apparel during practice runs to make sure I'd be comfortable and temperature appropriate. What you don't see is the Vaseline I had planned on lube-ing my feet with, the Swiftwick Pulse Zero socks that I swear by even though they're pricey, and the ibungee speed laces (30") that I will now never run without. Oddly, I discovered that...

The New York City Marathon 2012: Why the Show Must Go On and Critics Should Hush

Heard the controversy over the ING NYC Marathon? Non-running New Yorkers are up in arms about it. They're saying resources are being misused for "entertainment's sake"...that a marathon during survival mode is unnecessary and disrespectful. The NY Post is so anti-marathon they won't cover any of the amazing runner stories or charities tied to the race. Instead, the Post is bad-mouthing it.

People are PISSED...and I don't blame them. But I still don't think the marathon should be canceled. 40,000+ runners from all over the world including myself are laced up and ready to go. I believe the show must go on! Here's why...

1. Because it sends out a message to the rest of the country and the world that New York City will survive, rebuild and be stronger than ever.

 It's an attitude...a state of mind...A GOAL.

2. Because it's freakin' positive! The race will inject our city with good spirit and solidarity.

3. Because exercise relieves stress and makes the...

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