I've always been a little controversial because I've never enjoyed sharing the opinion of many. I like to come to my own conclusions and I'm not afraid to stand out in a crowd. I take a lot of criticism for being an outspoken Republican (I'm NOT anti-gay marriage or pro-life though), for wearing waist trainers and even for making a living off of social media. If I ever had thin skin it definitely thickened up. People are always judging but that's OK, I enjoy the path less traveled if it sparks my curiosity. And yes, I've kissed a girl, but who hasn't?
In all aspects of life, I'm drawn to women who take a stand on issues, don't care about being labeled a freak and just come out and say whatever it is they feel needs to be said. They're unicorns. I have 2 that I want to bring to your attention.
There's Mar Ortiz who I discovered when her instagram selfie went viral. I was asked to comment on it. Watch the news segment below... CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW TO PLAY.
I haven't met her in person YET but my goal is to interview her for my Women Who Empower series on YouTube along with this fierce and often bewildering spirit, named Rain Dove.
I saw Rain for the 1st time as a model on the catwalk from Malan Breton's NYFW 2015 show. Everyone was in awe. Was Rain a guy or a girl? A transgender?
What is happening? She (or he) looks like both and from all angles absolutely beautiful and handsome. For me, Rain symbolized something greater than the Caitlin Jenner phenomenon. Rain is living proof that gender can be not just blurred but undefined. She's giving the world a new perspective on what it's like to be a little of both and that makes her exceptionally controversial.
Like a wonderful gift, Rain showed up to my birthday party in January at a speakeasy in Soho. Meeting her was amazing. It reminded me that normal is boring. And when I feel like backing down from being controversial (which happens a lot at my age), I shouldn't. Women who challenge the way we see the world are vital to our future.
I look forward to the day both of these women tell me their full stories on camera. Fingers crossed for that soon. But my goal in writing this was to make sure you knew about them. What do you think of Mar and Rain?
Does being controversial scare you? Please share your thoughts below.