I hadn't heard of SusieQ until I got an email from her claiming she could give any woman Michelle Obama arms. I was intrigued and asked for proof. The very next day SusieQ Fitlife: Arms Of A First Lady was in my hands. She clearly wanted me to start working out ASAP. So that's what I did.
The Arms of A First Lady DVD is a great, uplifting workout. SusieQ is engaging and positively pigtails.
Lots of fitness pro's claim their workout will give you Michelle Obama arms but SusieQ's DVD actually delivers...and in more ways than one. She takes the whole presidential theme to the extreme with exercises like The New Bama Swing and Armed Force Raise. Her quirky White House references take the edge off the burn and raise your spirits throughout your workout.
The DVD is 52 minutes long and includes a beginner and advanced workout. Choose between the 2 levels or play the entire DVD from start to end and adjust your weights throughout the workout. 3-5 pound weights was enough for me because the workout moves quickly with only a few breaks between exercises. It's a cinch to follow and cardio bursts are mixed with arm exercises to enhance your results. You can do this workout without weights (esp. if you're a beginner) and feel fatigued from the cardio alone. My favorite moves from the DVD are Mr. Miyagi style wax on/wax off exercises and wrist curls for forearm definition.
The only drawback is amateur production quality
This is SusieQ's first fitness DVD and the production quality isn't the best. The good news is that the workout doesn't suffer from it. You've got to hand it to her for putting together a charming fitness product on a budget. She doesn't sweat the small stuff like a cat wandering onto set (you'll see it on the DVD) and proves that you don't need a fancy studio to work out like a pro. I introduced my mother to Arms Of A First Lady and she absolulely loved it. We exercised to it this weekend and she commented that it was the perfect workout for her because it included cardio, clear instructions with pop-up subtitles, funny dialogue and modifications on exercises that made her feel worthy.
SusieQ is a professional fluctuator and wants you to know it
A lot of people told SusieQ to wait until her body was perfect to produce her DVD. Thankfully she didn't listen. She doesn't care that her look or body type isn't typical of a fitness DVD star. She outright admits that her weight is a constant struggle and says she's still learning how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's a journey and she's determined to stay real and honest throughout it because she knows it will help other women facing the same issues. She added the nutrition segment Watch Your Mouth! to her DVD for this reason.
SusieQ is the anti-Tracy Anderson. She's a cheerleader of fitness & health in a way we can all relate to. Her workout isn't impossible (like some of Tracy's) and it's designed to make you sweat and feel confident as you advance physically. She even shows you how to use cans of soup or bottles of water to strength train. You don't need a home gym, just a jumpstart.
Sherri Shepherd from ABC's The View is clearly a fan
Sherri Shepherd was one of the first to receive A First Lady DVD and she tweeted about how much she loved the workout.
Even Michelle Obama's hair stylist, Johnny Wright, loves it. SusieQ hopes to have his top client on board soon.
A take-home message from SusieQ
I asked SusieQ for her fitness mantra which is in quotation marks below.
"Every woman is a First Lady! But, not every woman puts herself first. When you fail to put yourself first, no one will ever put you first."
I love this quote from SusieQ because as women we're hard-wired to nurture and often forget to put ourselves first. Her message resonates with me because a few years ago I was in a relationship that was very 1-sided. I was consumed with my boyfriend's world and interests which became a priority over mine. My inability to put myself first and nurture my self-image contributed to a dysfunctional relationship and affected the way he viewed me. I believe healthy relationships are a team effort but YOU will always be your biggest supporter and you can't give up on yourself or your goals. No one else is going to transform you in a more powerful way than you can. Not a boyfriend, best friend, fitness trainer or therapist. It all comes down to you to sculpt the best version of yourself inside and out.
What do you need to do differently right now for yourself, to feel like a First Lady?
Answer this question by leaving a comment below to win the Arms Of A First Lady DVD. I'll put your name in a hat and randomly pick 2 winners on Monday, July 5th.
Check out SusieQ FitLife
Buy the Arms of a First Lady DVD HERE