Today, at the NYC screening of the film People Like Us in which she stars, Elizabeth Banks answered my question about how fitness "fits" into her life. This was her response...
I always feel better after I work out. It takes my brain to a very clear place. Also, my husband and I do it together...its great for our relationship. I have a very beautiful, hot trainer. She comes to my house and trains me and my husband, and when I'm not there he still gets to have her come over. He's just winning winning winning!
Sounds like Mr. Banks has it pretty good sweating it up with Elizabeth AND their hottie trainer!!!
This screening was hosted by TheMoms, 2 of my gorge friends and mommy-media stars. It was very cool to get to hear Elizabeth speak about the film and her real life role as a mom.
Here's some great insight into Elizabeth Banks and why she's so f-ing cool (based on what I heard and witnessed today):
- She married her highschool sweetheart.
- She avoids the paparazzi at all costs and won't be caught dead in TMZ bikini shots because it's just not her style even though she has a beautifully slim physique.
- She couldn't have been nicer when a woman at the event confused her for Elisabeth Shue. Super embarassing for the woman who made the mistake and told Elizabeth "I just LOVED you in Adventures in Babysitting!" Oh man... Not good. Do your homework, lady!
Here's a shot of Elizabeth talking with Melissa & Denise of TheMoms:
And here's a shot of me and Melissa Gerstein who is f-ing awesome and also happens to be from my hometown of Saint Louis. She and I plan to hit STL on a workout rampage in July. Can't wait for that!