I made this investigative health video because I noticed I was losing a lot more hair than normal in the shower. It scared me. No one likes the thought of losing their hair! I began to research the topic primarily to see what I could do to better nourish my hair and maintain the strands that weren't abandoning me. In the process of doing my research, I realized this was something I had to share with you.
Please watch the video below or link to it here: Women Hair Loss Stories | How PRP Naturally Stimulates Hair Growth
Female hair loss is a big problem. There are several kinds as you will find out from watching my video. No matter what the reason for the loss is, the effect on the individual is always the same. She is emotionally distressed and her self-image dramatically suffers.
I have dedicated myself to lifting women up and connecting them to solutions, but I have to be honest, I never expected to make this video. When I first heard about the PRP treatment and how it's applied to the scalp to help with maintenance and regrowth, I was both astounded and so intrigued.
I wanted to capture it and see if it really worked because if it did, this could be a game changer for so many women (and men...but of course my main concern is for the ladies). When I saw the results, I was amazed. I spoke to two unaffiliated doctors in two different parts of the country to prove to you that this isn't just a regional fad. It really does work!
It works so well that people aren't just using it to stimulate hair growth on their heads but on their eyebrows too. I think a bunch of us can relate to over plucking our eyebrows in college and in our early 20's! They don't grow back so easily, especially as you age :(
While I can't help but praise PRP for hair regeneration, I do want you to know there are other options out there. Hair loss supplements are wonderful! My favorite brands are from ISDIN (which you saw in the video) and from Nutrafol (which has a men's line too). There are also topical creams, shampoo/conditioner combos, and even wearable laser devices that deliver stimulating light energy to your follicles. Some of these devices look like a skully hat while others are designed to fit like a wide headband.
If you're dealing with hair loss, my advice would be to see a medical professional to determine what kind it is and what approach would be most effective. It never hurts to do your own research though.
Thank you so much to Dr. Deanne Robinson and Dr. Brock Ridenour for inviting me to their office to film, and special thanks to my hair loss interviewees who thoughtfully shared their personal experiences.