New York City is gearing up for its 3rd Nor'easter. Each time it hits, it's the day I'm supposed to travel for work. I've already had to reschedule two TV appearances this year on account of the first Nor'easter. But hey, weather is unpredictable and when it hits, it usually hits hard. There's nothing you can do about it. Unless of course, you're ME...you'll find something to do like STRESS! I was born a worry wort. It's a shame because stress is so bad for your health.
I should really take my own advice and just NOT stress out but that's hard for me to do. Over the years, I've tried a lot of supplements to help calm me down. There are some that work really well for me that contain Magnesium powder that you can mix with water. I like them fine but I'm not always in the mood to down a full glass of flavored magnesium water. Lately I've been turning to vitamins, which in my opinion are much easier to take. I get nutrients to help me calm down and feel more balanced.
At first, I thought RainbowLight Vibrance Vitamins were really expensive (at about $55-60/bottle) but a handful of my health-conscious friends kept recommending them to me. So I got my hands on 2 kinds made especially for women. I bought the Women's Multivitamin plus Stress Support and the Women's Multivitamin plus Balance and Energy.
The verdict is that I really love them! These vitamins are premium, non-GMO verified, vegetarian, gluten-free and they're made entirely from whole food fruits and vegetables. A lot of vitamins brands might raise concerns if you knew they were made from animal products, right?
I know supplements can be annoying to take every day if you keep them tucked away in a cabinet because you'll never remember to take them! I usually put a week's worth in a mini-bowl on my desk so it's unavoidable from the minute I sit down with my cup of coffee. This is my trick for taking my daily dose and I happen to think the little bowl looks cute, too.
There's always SO MUCH going on in my life. Being a small business owner, a TV host, a subscription box curator, a blogger and an influencer who is often traveling back and forth across the country is exhausting. I'm not complaining in any regard because I love what I do BUT sometimes I sign on for more than I can really handle...and that's when the stress and anxiety sets in.
If you don't eat right and take vitamins that help fill in the gaps in your diet and nutrient reserves than you might be missing out on energy that could get you through your day and help you kill it! Sometimes vitamins help support that 45 minutes of energy you need to get through your workout at the end of the day. Sometimes they support your mental clarity in moments of desperation like when your flight gets cancelled, helping you survive through your "There's no way I'm getting stuck in this bleeping airport!" moment of rage.
That is precisely why I now travel everywhere with my vitamins. I'm not even kidding. I'd rather pop 2 capsules of nutrients that help strengthen my immune system, stress response and metabolism than something more chemical like an anti-anxiety pill. Just sayin'...to each her own...but I like the idea that I'm putting something natural into my system.
When it comes to nutrients, we all have deficiencies. If you're vegan or vegetarian, you probably need calcium and iron. If you're over 40, you need more B12 and Vitamin D. If you're pregnant, folic acid is a must. I suggest looking at your diet and assessing what's missing. It will help you figure out what kind of vitamins are best for you. Talk to your doctor, nutritionist or holistic health coach. They can offer a wealth of wisdom and my guess is that they'll have great things to say about RainbowLight (it's a health industry favorite).
Real quick, if you fall in love with RainbowLight, they have a 25% off discount and free shipping if you sign up for an ongoing subscription.
WHAT STRESSES YOU OUT? Were you affected by a Nor'easter this year? Let me know in the comments to score some RainbowLight Vibrance freebies!
xo, Bianca Jade