It's January 30th and I've had a lot of time to think about my top 10 New Year's resolutions. I have a tradition of writing them down, framing the list and mounting it on a wall where I can see it every day. This tactic has definitely worked in the past but I'm over it. I can focus on my goals without the guilt trip. As you get older, there are less distractions in life that matter. Goals are easier to see. Agree or not?
My ten 2018 resolutions that follow come from the heart and from my ambitious desires to be my best, most successful self. I decided to do a countdown since #1 is definitely the most important and, of course, I want you to read the whole blog post. Sorry, is that mean?
Another thing... I work fast. Within the month of January, I completed some of these resolutions already. That's what the ✅ stands for.
#10. Meet Jane Fonda.
It's my dream to meet Jane Fonda. She's my QUEEN. She's beautiful, smart, unapologetic and has used her influence throughout her life to bring light to huge social and political issues. I've always wanted to be like her. I have her fitness records (yes, records!) from back in the day framed. It would be an honor just to see her in person one day and share a smile.
#9. Stop biting my cuticles once and for all.
I'm biting them right now. This resolution is bound to fail.
#8. Run the New York City Marathon (again).
Last year I qualified to run the upcoming NYC marathon in November. I'm still not sure I actually want to run it (again) as I wouldn't call it an enjoyable experience but what the hell, I'm just gonna do it. And just like every other time I crossed the finish line, I'm sure I'll say "I'm never doing that EVER again!"
#7. Launch my own skincare line using the safest formula available.
I've actually been testing formulas since last year! I didn't like the 1st or 2nd batch but I'm extremely content with the 5 products we've landed on and so far testing is going super well! Two of them are especially made for your lips. There's so much more to do and I'm not nearly at the point of launching so unfortunately this resolution hasn't earned a green check yet. However, I'll be screaming it from the rooftops once it's ready to sell and all of my Quarterly Box subscribers will get to try it first :)
#6. Book my 1st shopping network job. ✅
Booked it! I'll be filling you in soon along with dates to watch me in March :)
#5. Travel to Moloka'i.
I go to Hawaii every year! Moloka'i is one of 2 Hawaiian islands I have not been to yet. It's supposed to be the most remote of them all--a place where I can totally disconnect! I started looking for condos to rent on VRBO / HomeAway just the other night. Every time I've gone to Hawaii I've had great luck renting from owner-rented properties and prefer it to staying in a boring hotel. Moloka'i is home to the highest sea cliffs in the world and the people who live there are mostly of Native Hawaiian ancestry. I can't wait to go!
#4. Relaunch Mizzfit.com as a new website!
Really excited about this one because I'm halfway done with the new site. I'm hoping to have it up by the end of February if all goes as planned.
#3. Become close with my sister. ✅
For years I didn't get along with my little sister. It seems like that rough patch might be over though as we recently went on a family trip to Portugal together and got along so well. I'm not sure what caused our discord for so long...I'm just happy it's all been ironed out. Sisters are supposed to be there for each other and I feel like I have that now.
#2. Freeze my eggs. ✅
Why? Because I'm not in my 20's or even my early 30's anymore. And sadly, as much as I feel I'm in the best shape of my life and look better than I did when I was younger, my body is losing it's fertility by the day. I blocked the idea of freezing my eggs from any mental thought until 2016. I spent all of 2017 stressing about it. Would I? Could I? Should I? And then when I could finally afford it (financially and time-wise, all on my own), I did it. My eggs were retrieved and frozen on Januaury 23rd. I'm really proud of myself for doing this as it wasn't easy.
#1. Figure out if I actually want to have a baby.
I go back and forth on this. I know I want to have a child, I'm just nowhere near ready NOW. There are so many other things I want to do in my life first. I've worked so hard the past 10 years to build my business and life in New York that it's hard to imagine taking on another (even bigger) job of motherhood. I honestly don't feel I take enough vacations as it is so the thought of a lifelong commitment that I can't run away from (at least for a few weeks to Hawaii) is scary. This probably sounds really selfish but I have another baby I've been nurturing for 10 years...my business. So, there's that.
Then again, maybe I'm kidding myself. Maybe I'm just scared to take on the biggest role of my life. Maybe I'm just procrastinating. Who knows. One thing's for sure though, I really don't want to have a baby alone.
This is some heavy shit...I know. So if you've read this far, well, this topic is my kryptonite. I don't feel close to an answer. I guess I'm glad I have all year to figure it out.
Have my resolutions resonated with you in even the smallest way? Let me know in the comments below. Love you guys :)