I always say that in a different life I would've been a dermatologist because of my passion for skincare and affinity for beauty treatments. Earlier this year, in the late Spring of 2021, I decided to try Dr. Koo's Skincare collection and specifically a regimen for anti-aging, hyperpigmentation (aka melasma) and gentle exfoliation. It's safe to say this regimen was targeted for 40+ skin but I don't know, I feel like I would've used this exact combination of products back in my 20's too as my skin hasn't changed drastically. I've always had sensitive skin and dry skin. To document my re-newed skincare approach, I made two videos sharing my experience with Dr. Koo's products, detailing what they do and why I liked using them every day.
I know a lot of influencers say this, but I actually DO get asked about my skincare routine all the time. And sometimes I struggle with a quick answer because my routine has involved trying a range of brands and mixing and matching products from different lines. This was the first time I actually stuck to 1 collection, and I really liked the results. I found my melasma and dark spotting which always flares up in the summer was under control. I did see fading of this hyperpigmentation and I quite liked the level of exfoliation I was getting from the Retinol Pads, which were an entirely new experience for me! I definitely prefer using the pads to a topical cream. The anti-oxidant vitamin serum is definitely my favorite product because of how nourishing it is, and how nicely it works as a primer for SPF and makeup.
Before I dove into using Private Practice By Dr. Koo Skincare, I enlisted the help of Dr. Koo herself to help me streamline my beauty cabinet. I explain it in my videos (make sure to read the descriptions, please) but as a content creator and beauty expert, I'm gifted a lot. I'm invited to many product launches where there are product samplings, gift bags and opportunities to try out treatments. I'm not complaining about it AT ALL! It's clearly one of the perks of what I do BUT what happens is that I end up with too much stuff and it complicates and confuses my routine. While I do donate and give away a lot of the overflow of products I'm treated to (whether it's through Instagram giveaways or directly to my friends and family), somehow I still end up with more than I know what to do with.
The way I see it, there will always be a lot of shiny new products and trends happening in beauty, but it doesn't mean ALL OF IT is for you. Just because people are doing it on Tiktok doesn't necessarily mean dermaplaning is good for you (like Dr. Koo says in my 2nd video!). Check out her critique of my beauty cabinet and I hope that it provides some insight on what to keep and what to toss from your own cabinet at home.
If you're interested in trying any of the Dr. Koo Skincare products from my video, I have a fancy code that gets you 10% off: Bianca10
Use this link to shop: https://drkooskincare.com?sca_ref=1154282.hUk9546RRM
Leave your comments below and let me know if you use any of the same products you see in my beauty cabinet.