To the P90X Fitness Program by Beachbody:
Why are you selling this program on TV at 2am ghetto-informercial-style? Most people who purchases fitness videos and products from infomercials never end up sticking to the program. If P90X is really what you say it is, share your program with people who will embrace it. Take it to gyms, fitness centers, conventions and market a P90X challenge class. Don’t sell it on TV at 2am and trick poor couch potatoes into thinking they’re going to change their body in 3 months. We all know, in most cases, that’s not going to happen. I’ve watched the DVD’s and read the literature. I think the program is legitimate but you’re throwing it away. So you’re making tons of money off people that will never remove the plastic wrap from your videos, but I thought the point was to actually help people become a more fit version of themselves. Why not take advantage of opportunities to inspire people to turn off their TV and start the P90X challenge in a way that will keep them permanently on track and interested in fitness/health? The late night informercials just make you look cheesy. And by the way, muscle confusion? Seriously, this isn’t a new concept but nice attempt with the terminology. Beachbody, I recommend you spend a couple bucks on professional advertising. It could do wonders for P90X and maybe even whip some folks into shape.