I went to a fun party last night thrown by FactoryPR for a new activewear collection called Ideology, exclusively sold at Macy's. I was there to see the collection but instead, I spent the whole night examining Rob Kardashian's butt from a safe distance. His tush has got it goin' on! So if you ever questioned Kim K's backside, the answer is: that butt runs in the family--it's as REAL as they come. Cheryl Burke (from Dancing With The Stars) was the host of the party and she's also the face/body of Ideology.
Now back to Rob Kardashian's butt...or his talents, I mean. I had no idea but apparently he's a DJ...and he was actually DJing the Ideology party. I must say, Rob is a lot cuter in person than on tv. He should show off his glutes more on the show! Dying to know how he works them out. Squats maybe? Kim and Courtney should take him to Barry's Bootcamp in NYC next time they go (they usually take Keoni Hudoba's class).
The Ideology party took place at the new Dream Hotel in downtown Manhattan. My first impressions of the collection are that it reminds me of a more ruched version of Champion's C9 line which is sold at Target for around $14.99 - 39.99. The collection has a lot of bright primary colors in it, and the cuts and designs are modest. The overall inspiration for Ideology is dance which explains their focus on layer-able pieces, Fame-type sweatshirts and delicate seamless tanks.
My honest opinion of Ideology is that it's OK. Personally, I'd rather shop C9 or something more expensive and unique. The one item that I really didn't like was a cover-up that looked like a bathrobe. I don't get it, but maybe Cheryl Burke likes it. Somehow I doubt that though. I'm just not sure why anyone would want to cover up with a bathrobe--it's just not very transitional for post-gym activities. The hanging banners of Cheryl were large and beautiful. She didn't seem to let it go to her head...she had a very modest vibe and quietly stuck to Rob's side all night. I could tell she's a confident girl and didn't need to flaunt her celebrity. That's nice to see from celebrities, especially considering everywhere you turned there was an enormous banner of her hanging from the wall.
I did take a break to check out Ideology's tanks. These weren't so bad...but they're not life-changing either.
I wish Rob had been dressed up in workout clothes. Cheryl was outfitted in hers looking cute and petite. I must say these 2 make a good couple but the press isn't reporting that they're dating. Bummer. Maybe she's not a butt-loving gal when it comes to men.
I wonder if all those Dancing With The Stars practice sessions ever turned into a "let's grab a drink?" I mean, why not, right? Sometimes it's healthy (in a mind-body kind of way) to work out and then reward yourself with a light cocktail or glass of wine. That's actually my glass in the picture below. Notice it's empty. I don't drink often but it's nice to take the edge off when I'm at a fun party with friends. Big thanks to Jennie Smithe of 351Yoga for joining me. Check out her soon to launch hot yoga-wear collection on her site and her blog rocks too!
Last thoughts/questions: Leave your answer in the comments section below and I'll pick 1 winner for a cool prize :)
- Do you like to drink after a work out or do you think it's bad?
- What do you think of the new Ideology Activewear Collection? Would you wear it?