Grossness Be Gone!
Y'know that feeling of biting into a chalky vitamin tablet or forcing yourself to swallow a giant capsule filled with who knows what? It's miserable! But now you can spare your taste buds from this ruthless vita-massacre with Nature Made's NEW VITAMELTS. I flew to Southern California to taste-test and make sure they'd melt in my mouth, and let me tell you, my taste buds got their mojo back! If you're a fit lady on-the-go, you're gonna want to know about Vitamelts.
So that's a Vitamelt you see above, held by a scientist at Nature Made's lab and packaging facility that I visited in Valencia, California. Yeah, I actually got to roam the halls of Nature Made and see how they create, test and perfect their vitamin lines for their global consumers. It was pretty cool for me to see this side of the vitamin world because as a vitamin-taker what I previously knew about vitamins was limited to things I'd read in magazines, health tutorials, on labels, or heard word of mouth.
As a newly appointed Nature Made Ambassador, it was time for me to learn more. That's me and fellow NM Ambassador, Kristin McGee, who has graced the pages of MizzFIT.com often (here and here).
From private tours to roundtable discussions with Nature Made's head of Nutrition and R&D, it became clear to me that their mission is to bring the best health-enhancing vitamins to more people. But their hurdle is that people don't want to take vitamins that taste or smell like crap.
Over the years, I've found ways to distract myself from the taste or discomfort of taking supplements. Drinking something sweet or really cold always helps. With Vitamelts, you don't even need water. They're tiny and quickly dissolve in your mouth after releasing a yummy natural flavor that tastes better than your typical mint.
Vitamelts Belong In Your Gym Bag Because...
- B-12 helps your body prep for a workout by turning the food you eat into energy to power your metabolism.
- The packaging is small, cute, innocuous and easy to open.
- Each one is less than 3 calories (which is a lot less than gummy vitamins have, avg 10-20 cal.)
- They're so good they can replace a craving for sweets (as in my case).
- You'll remember to take them often.
- They come in Vitamin D, C, Zinc, Melatonin and even L-theanine.
- You can mix flavors and make a creamsicle out of the Creamy Vanilla Vitamin D and Juicy Orange Vitamin C.
- They look way cooler than what you see below...
Yes, that actually WAS my vitamin case! But no longer.
Something You Might Not Know About Vitamins, Especially B-12
Vitamins help your body work more efficiently. B-12 actually helps your body convert food into energy. Vegans and vegetarians are often deficient in B-12 because they don't eat meat. People over the age of 50 tend to be deficient as well. So if you find yourself in either of these groups, it might be worth looking into adding this supplement.
I was also excited to discover firsthand that vitamins are being designed and developed by women like Chioma, the scientist credited for making Vitamelts (pictured below on left). She works with the Director of R&D, Jones Chan (on the right), to identify and develop breakthrough technologies in vitamins. How cool is that?
Nature Made has some pretty smart people walking around in white coats. That's when I realized that Vitamelts aren't just a novelty. They're the future of vitamins because great taste will inevitably bring more vitamins to more people.
Be A Better Vitamin Taker. I'll Make It Easy For You!
I'm pledging to take better care of myself this winter of 2013. I will do my best to avoid colds that knock me out and off my workout routine. This means taking vitamins daily in addition to doing all the little things like remembering to wear my scarf, gloves and hat before I go outside in the freezing cold. I'm going to drink more tea and less coffee, and make sure to talk to my doctor about which vitamins are best for me instead of just taking the ones I think I need. Vitamins don't have to be complicated, they just have to match your lifestyle and work with your routine. My health routine got a lot more stylish with Vitamelts. I challenge you to join me on this little health mission of mine and pick up Vitamelts at your closest pharmacy, grocery store, Target or Costo. Tweet me your favorite flavor!
Brand Statement: Nature Made® VitaMelts™ are a new "one of a kind”, enjoyable way to take your vitamins because they melt in your mouth and taste great. Discover how new Nature Made® VitaMelts™ can transform your vitamin taking experience by making it enjoyable. Visit us on Facebook to get a coupon.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nature Made via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nature Made.