Kettlebells are your ticket to a hot body and Lorna Kleidman will show you how. Lorna Kleidman is a two-time kettlebell world champion and pioneer of kettlebell fitness for women. She leads classes and private training sessions in Manhattan and has even authored a guide to her kettlebell workout program called, “Body Sculpting with Kettlebells for Women”.
I popped into Lorna’s class to find out how women are shape-shifting to kettlebells. I found myself in good company, with a mix of women who attend class weekly to enhance their muscle tone and maintain a feminine physique. The class works with kettlebells ranging from 5 to 25 pounds and Lorna helped me select a kettlebell based on my fitness level. We stretched, warmed-up, and then engaged in 55 minutes of pure kettlebell exercise. Kettlebell moves include a lot of lifting and swinging motion that’s actually quite fun. C’mon, who doesn’t like to swing?
Initially, the lifting/swinging movement feels wobbly because of the kettlebell’s bottom heavy shape and weight displacement. But that’s normal and works to your advantage. Your body learns to stabilize throughout the exercise by engaging your core, arms and legs for a total body workout.
Lorna’s class is energizing and unlike other fitness programs because the kettlebell allows for three-dimensional movement that increases flexibility, range of motion, reaction time and speed. Her class delivers a balance of strength, cardio and endurance training that will jump-start your body for the day.
Lorna is the only woman with a class of this kind in Manhattan. She keeps her classes small to ensure proper instruction and will break down exercises step by step for class newbies to follow along. Her kettlebell workout is challenging and yet so easy to jump right into. You’ll be amazed by how quickly class time flies and you’ll swing into the best shape of your life.
Lorna Kleidman Kettlebell Academy
Tuesday/Thursday: 7:30 - 8:30AM and 8:30 - 9:30AM
at the JCC of Manhattan - 76th St. and Amsterdam Ave.
Monday 6:30PM, Wednesday 7:15PM
at the West River House Fitness Center (81st St. and West End Ave.)
For more info, visit www.lornakleidman.com or call 646-505-5708. Check out Lorna's book HERE: