-- This is a guest post by Anna Bernstein --
When I was first introduced to PÜR Gum I thought, who needs “healthy” gum? I never thought of gum as being unhealthy, but seeing all the reasons PÜR Gum is a healthier chewing gum made me second guess my opinion. PÜR Gum is said to be healthy because it is gluten-free, non-gmo, nut-free, dairy-free, and most importantly aspartame free. Who even knew there were so many ingredients in gum?
Aspartame free gum is a big deal. The reason being that aspartame is a synthetic sweetener found in most sugar-free gums. It has been associated with cancer, diabetes, psychological disorders, and birth defects, just to name a few things I'd rather not subject myself to.
I know many people chew gum to stop their hunger, but does this really work? While doing some research I found that chewing gum actually will make you more hungry. While chewing gum you produce a lot more saliva and any food that is in your system will be digested quicker, making you hungrier. So all in all gum won’t clench your hunger. It might even give you a little bit of gas if you chew too much.
I'm all about eating clean and healthy and I believe that if you must chew gum you should definitely go the aspartame-free route. If you're gluten-intolerant, be extra careful with your gum choices! Even though you don't eat gum (at least I hope you don't), you swallow enough of the juices and flavoring from it to give yourself an allergic reaction. Chewing gum is one of those things that might slip your mind as far as containing gluten but many popular gum brands use it. So just make sure to check ingredient labels and pre-pack your purse with a brand you've already researched and approved.
PÜR Gum comes in 4 flavors: wintergreen, spearmint, peppermint, and pomegranate mint. I don’t chew gum often, but I'm more of a mint gal. After tasting each flavor I found the wintergreen to be refreshing, leaving a fresh breath flavor. I know Mizzfit prefers the pomegranate mint because we taste tested them together and she said that the pom flavor is definitely sweeter and more subtle. Can you imagine taste testing gum as part of your internship? Just one of my duties as a Mizzfit intern last summer!
This picture is totally out of focus, but as you can see I enjoyed trying and learning about a new product that could be a healthy game changer for gum lovers. There are definitely many people who can't live without gum (like coffee, cigarettes and other addictions) and I think at the very least they should know what their options are and how they're different.
PÜR Gum is a great alternative to chewing unhealthy gum. You won't benefit nutritiously or physically from a healthier gum aside from maybe a chiseled jaw, but you will be chewing safer...and that's good news for gum addicts! Try Team Mizzfit's favorite flavors of PÜR Gum below:
Wintergreen flavor / Pomegranate Mint flavor
Are you a gum addict? Gluten-free gum chewer? Where do you stand on the healthier gum issue? We'd love to hear your comments below. Thanks!