Happy National Vitamin Day!
To celebrate, I'm asking all of my fit readers (that's you!) to give their favorite vitamin a shout out. You can scream it out loud or type it in the comments section. My vote is for the latter so that I can respond back. I'm really curious to hear what you love. Right now, I'm loving ZINC, which I actually used to loathe taking because the tablets I bought were gross and hard. I eventually threw the bottle out. There was no point in just letting them sit there.
Now, I can't wait to take my Zinc vitamin in the morning. Wondering what changed? I discovered Nature Made's Zinc in Vitamelts form, which is a small dissolvable tablet that tastes like honey lemon and melts in your mouth like a candy-flavored mint.
That's the family of Vitamelts vitamins (above). They're all great flavors but like I said, Zinc is my favorite. Last week, I wrote a full review on Vitamelts HERE. I might start hoarding them because every time I see them at the drugstore, I want to buy more. They're THAT good. They make taking vitamins the easiest part of my daily health routine. And God knows, I need ease.
You Take Vitamins Because You Respect Yourself
I made resolutions for 2013 that I plan to keep. Taking vitamins regularly is helping me stick to them. Zinc helps protect my body from free radicals and supports a healthy immune system. It can help in the prevention of common colds and sore throats, as well as in healing from them. By maintaining healthy levels of Zinc you're putting distance between yourself and sickness.
Zinc is an amazing vitamin. I highly recommend talking to your doctor about your Zinc levels because many people are walking around deficient and struggling with conditions that could possibly be helped by taking a supplement. Don't think of it as dorky or freakishly healthy, think of it as treating your body right and respecting yourself.
Remember The Recent Flu Epidemic That Was Such A Big Deal?
The CDC called it the worst seasonal flu outbreak in 10 years. Everyone was going crazy! I couldn't even find a pharmacy in NYC that had flu shots left. I had to go to Connecticut to get one! It was such an ordeal, I documented it in pictures. I happen to hate shots (more than snakes) which is why I cried like an overgrown baby when the prick came.
Little did I know at the time that taking Zinc strengthens your immune system to prevent frequent colds, flus, and other infections. I'm not saying that Zinc alone would have spared me from catching the flu, but I wouldn't have been so nervous or frantic about getting the flu shot if I had been taking something like Zinc all along for my immune system. Then again, my mom sent me THIS which didn't help much to keep me calm. What keeps me calm now is that I take a Zinc Vitamelts every day. I don't have time to get sick and I assume you don't either. I'd miss the gym, the adrenaline and dressing up in cute workout clothes. There's no fun in laying in bed all day.
No Flu For Us. Spread The Vitamelts Love!
Don't just brag about not getting sick this winter, give your favorite vitamin a shout out! Leave a comment below, I dare you. Don't forget to LIKE Nature Made's Facebook page. They've got some great videos over there all about Vitamelts, and what's cool is that the people in the vids are actually Nature Made employees and scientists who developed the product. Nature Made keeps it REAL.
Brand Statement: Nature Made® VitaMelts™ are a new "one of a kind”, enjoyable way to take your vitamins because they melt in your mouth and taste great. Discover how new Nature Made® VitaMelts™ can transform your vitamin taking experience by making it enjoyable. Visit us on NatureMade.com/VitaMelts to get a coupon. Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nature Made via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nature Made.