
How To Run A Marathon With Style & Grace


I'm a marathoner, as you can see from the photo above. I love to run more than anything but 26.2 miles is grueling and can turn a lady savage. When you're running with a herd of marathoners in the tens of thousands (like the ING New York City Marathon), don't let your manners or zen mind fall by the wayside. Instead, race with class and finish strong by following the 30 tips listed below.

30 Easy Tips For Running A Marathon With Style & Grace

Connect with spirit and emotion to the city you're running in. If you plan to run the ING NYC Marathon, sing Frank Sinatra's New York, New York at the top of your lungs when it plays over loudspeakers near the start line. Don't be embarrassed, let loose and just go with it.

Don't push others in your race corral before the start of the race. Yes, it's crowded and you're anxious to start...but what's the rush? You'll be running for a couple of hours anyway.

Smile and be kind to international runners....

Fly Through Your Workout In Style With Trapeze



Notice that I'm wearing a safety harness attached to safety lines. There's also a huge foam mat beneath me that you can't see in the pic. I was 100% secure at all times and falling is actually more graceful (and fun) than you'd think.


I had so much fun working on this video which couldn't have been possible without Espana STREB Trapeze Academy's team of experts. They're brilliant and made learning trapeze skills less scary than I thought. When you're up high on that platform, your mind tells you no, No, NO but STREB's trapeze instructors empower you with affirmations of yes, Yes YES and before you know it, you're soaring! It's a special place where classes are small and friendly; a Williamsburg, Brooklyn gem. For more information contact Bobby Hedglin-Taylor at (718) 384-6491 or visit


Clearly you don't need sneakers during flying trapeze class, but you do need a...

Has The PowerBar Finally Been Dethroned?

- This is a guest post by Erica Chapman -


You know the drill: you’ve just finished your grueling, 20-mile run followed by a heavy-duty session at the weight machines, and your body is screaming out for energy. You’ve been told that the most effective way to help your muscles recover from such high-intensity work is by feeding them protein. But a big, greasy cheeseburger doesn’t sound quite right, so instead you grab an energy bar packed with 20+ grams of protein and fuel up. The only problem is, most of them taste like lab experiments, not food. Has Premier Nutrition’s new TITAN High Protein Cookie just changed all of that?

The answer for me is yes…and no. I’ve trained for several triathlons and cycling events, so I’m no stranger to the world of kooky candy bars masquerading as a “nutritional supplement.”  Most are too high in all the bad, artificial stuff to let you enjoy the good stuff guilt-free. I’ll admit to gnawing on more than my...

The Best Mind-Body Workouts & Yoga Wear To Soothe Your Stressed Out Soul



I'm stressing! So this blog post is as much for me as it is for you. If you get worked up thinking about your check list of To Do's that still need to be checked or snap at your loved ones because, well, they just happened to be standing there, then it's time to stop what you're doing and CHECK-IN WITH YOURSELF. Don't go to that crazy place that makes you feel physically and emotionally exhausted (I've been there and it ain't pretty). Instead, breathe and take notice of the things in your life that are absolutely fantastic. We rush through our lives and often forget to enjoy the "right now" part and everything that's led up to it.

The good news is that checking-in with yourself and re-connecting to your present moment can be active and fun, like in the mind-body workouts below. They'll put your mind at ease, reduce muscle tension and help dissolve stress related to your past or future (because if it's not one, it's the...

Experience An Amazing Yoga Workshop @ Equinox NYC 2 Support Breast Cancer Awareness


You can't go wrong with Nadia Zaki & Sarra Morton. They are fitness goddesses to say the least and a 1.5 hour yoga practice with them is quite the treat (their group fitness classes usually don't go over 45-60 minutes). This is your chance to contribute $20 to breast cancer awareness month (through the Susan G. Komen foundation) and get something fabulous in return. And, I hear Zobha will donating limited-edition tanks to everyone who signs up. So exciting! Equinox members and nonmembers are bring friends! To register, call 212.780.9300.



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