Guess what?! Bethenny Frankel is our special guest at #NBGNO! I'm so excited about this because I've watched the Girls' Night Out movement grow so much since I joined the team. We are a group of empowered, health-loving women who work out hard but still crave a cocktail and girl-time. If there's anyone who fits that bill, it's definitely Bethenny! Look at everything she's done, from creating SkinnyGirl to hosting her own daytime talk show!
New Balance & Susan G Komen For The Cure have been going strong for 25 YEARS!
And for that reason, we celebrate at this next #NGBNO event, while honoring breast cancer awaresness month. As many of you know, October is the month of PINK. Companies of all kinds donate a portion of their profit from sales on PINK products made especially for breast cancer awareness and fundraising campaigns. New Balance has been doing this with Susan G. Komen for 25 years, making them one of the biggest sportswear players in PINK contributions. The collection NB designs for this cause is called Lace Up for the Cure.
Pink Fashion Styled Right = Trendy + Aspirational (but how do you do it?)
I know what you're thinking. Supporting breast cancer awareness and pink sales is cool but wearing too much pink is definitely NOT. I get it. I also prefer pops of pink rather than ALL pink.
Here's my advice for achieving a chic PINK look without overdoing it:
- Choose a PINK item that supports the BCA cause and make it your accent piece. The more pink-ish it is, the better, because you want it to visibly communicate your support. Like how the NFL players wear pink cleats for televised games in October. All you see is their bright pink cleats and the message is loud and clear but most of all, COOL!
- Accessorize to enhance your pink look. By this, I mean dress it up! The PINK cause is celebratory, so feel comfortable adding fitness-inspired jewelry, wristbands, headbands and even a matching water bottle. Check out the examples below...
- Sometimes pink can feel loud, especially for people who aren't used to brights. But the truth is that the color pink brings out our natural fleshy skin tones and looks nice on all shades of skin. But if you're worried about a pink tank top or shirt being too loud, try complimenting with additional sportswear that's in the red family. You'll find that it actually subdues the pink and pulls everything nicely together. For example, I'm wearing an oxblood HKNB windbreaker hoodie over my PINK tank to the upcoming #NBGNO event with Bethenny.
- Toughen up your PINK with a leather jacket for pre and post-workout.
- Match your PINK accent piece to your pink lips. I wrote about this amazing lip crayon that comes in many shades of pink and would be perfect for this!
For more PINK ideas and shopping, check out New Balance’s Lace Up for the Cure collection. (I recommend the Pink Ribbon Petal Capri for ladies who like a looser pant style. It's so comfy!)
WIN These "Lace Up For The Cure" Running Shoes!
New Balance is known for sneaks! So it goes without saying that they'd make a limited edition PINK shoe. Check out these 3190 Lace Up For The Cure running shoes.
I'm giving a pair away!!! It's quite the score if you're currently training for an upcoming marathon or just like to run in style. I love them because they're super light, ventilated and cushiony. To win these sneaks, leave a comment at the end of this post telling me HOW YOU LACE UP FOR THE CURE. That's all I need to know :) and you'll be officially entered to win a pair. I'm picking a winner on October 24th, 2014.
You Can Do Something To Spread Breast Cancer Awareness
First of all, make sure you know how to do the SELF CHECK. Encourage other women to do it. Read up on breast cancer, know weather it runs in your family, find out about campaigns that support the cure and fundraise and get involved! There are tons of fitness events just like #NBGNO that support great PINK campaigns. For Komen events, click here! And don't forgot to wear your PINK gear.
I'll post my pics from #NBGNO with Bethenny and all the girlzz who show up to celebrate with us soon! Thanks for reading and LEAVE YOUR COMMENT BELOW FOR THE GIVEAWAY!!!
xoxo, Bianca Jade