Ralph Lauren styles Team USA for both the opening and closing ceremonies at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Check out behind the scenes footage of the athletes getting fitted in Munich before the start of the games:
In my opinion, Ralph Lauren's designs for Team USA are classically American and look sharp on camera--and important factor for an event that is globally televised. Each garment was handmade and the wool used was sourced from Oregon. I like the retro and stitched feel of the Ceremony Cardigans but I'm also crazy about the flared collars on the Ceremony Pea Coats.
Personally, I think ice dancer pair Meryl Davis and Charlie White wear it best. I just love them together!
To me, they resemble the handsomest of Disney characters. Meryl looks like Snow White and Charlie is none other than Prince Charming. Maybe it's just me...
Ralph Lauren definitely brings a look of "buttoned up" Americana and sophistication to our talented team of Olympians, and I couldn't be more proud. I'm such a sucker for stylish athletes!
The RL design house was an excellent choice especially considering it's longtime contributions to sportswear innovation and its collaborations with major sporting events. What I really love, though, is that the garments are timeless and I think these Olympians will cherish and keep them forever.
Not everyone brings home a medal but their memories from the games will be tangibly linked to their uniforms and gear.
Get the look! It's not just for the athletes. It's for all of us cheering on Team USA! And it's selling out fast. You can browse the olympic collection HERE. I'm dying for the Ceremony Turtleneck Sweater and the fingerless gloves.
What are your thoughts on Olympic fashion so far (both on and off the snow/ice)? Please share your opinions in the comments section below!