Do you toss your sneakers into your gym bag with the rest of your workout gear? If so, you might be risking your health. THIS research study found that an average of 421,000 units of disease-causing bacteria live on the outside of our shoes and 2,887 live on the inside. This includes E.coli which our shoes can pick up from just about anywhere. I know...it's beyond gross. If you don't know the specifics of E.coli, please research it on your own but here's a helpful hint ---> poop.
Think about all the places your sneakers have been! Mine have seen the streets of Manhattan, the subway, parks, gyms, bodegas, restaurants, public bathrooms and who knows what else. The fact that I sometimes toss my sneakers into my gym bag or purse without giving thought to all the germs that might be spreading to other contents in my bag is unacceptable and stops now. Here's my solution: Lug's line of duffels, totes and satchels with designated shoe compartments. Lug bags accomodate your stinky, germ prone shoes in ventilated pockets so that the rest of your stuff is unaffected. It's that easy!
Lug bags aren't exactly high style but they're cute and extremely functional. Check out Lug travel accessories and containers for carrying your skincare and showering products to and from the gym. Conceptually, Lug helps you keep it together by keeping it all separate. It's an easy way to stay healthy and you can rest assured that E.coli eggs aren't hatching on your favorite Lululemon tops. But just in case you need more reassurance, carry Herban Essentials Towelettes in your gym bag and wipe your sneakers down after every workout. These towelettes are anti-bacterial and smell amazing! Try the eucalyptus or go for the assorted pack.
Photos courtesy of the Lug website