I posted this video I made on instagram today and it all just felt right to say. These are tough times but we are finding our way through it. I'm so proud of my city, my country and all of you. We're going to get through this....
IT’S HERE...and I’m in tears.
I do not cry because I’m scared or because I miss my family or because I wonder if I’ll be the next one to fall sick. I’m not scared of that, no. I’d actually prefer to get sick over any of the brave people that are struggling to stay healthy and dying on the front lines and in medical centers helping people. I would take their place in a second—sign me up.
Rather, I cry at the sight of what my city and country are doing to remedy this. I cry with pride seeing all the people down here by the Hudson River (blocks away from my home) with signs welcoming the USNS Military Sealift ship. I cry knowing my city and I are staying strong and not abandoning it because we know the only way to ameliorate things is to stay here and hold down this f*cking beautiful fort. I cry because everyone in my building where I live has been so kind and become like my family. I cry because my real friends have been in touch and supportive, and because at these times you realize who really loves you and cares about you, and vice versa.
I cry for this clarity, and for this defining moment in my life allowing me to be the kind of human I’m supposed to be. Somehow throughout this ghostly quarantine, for the first time in my life, I don’t feel so alone.
Pray for us because we are praying for your too. #Mizzfit_NYC #NationalDoctorsDay
**I made this video with Magisto App and just want to thank them for giving me the tools to spread knowledge and love to my followers and the greater social media community.