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My life before the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic hit the US was literally non-stop travel from December to early March. I definitely saw a lot of people at the airport wearing respirators and disinfecting their seats on the plane, but it really never occurred to me that soon we’d all be in a state of lockdown. The face masks, at the time, seemed a bit much to me. I was conscientiously using hand sanitizer and wiping down my seat too, but I was 100% clueless about what was to come next. And you know what? I’m thankful for my blissful ignorance…because who knows when I’ll be traveling next!
The USNS Has Arrived in NYC - HELP IS HERE!
I posted this video I made on instagram today and it all just felt right to say. These are tough times but we are finding our way through it. I'm so proud of my city, my country and all of you. We're going to get through this....
Tips for At Home Workouts During Coronavirus Quarantine
First, I really want to give a heartfelt THANKS to WUSA-9 in Washington DC and host Ellen Bryan for having me Skype-in to their show.
I Spent 3 Days on a Ranch and Came Back Flexitarian!
What a story this is! Trust me, I never imagined I would fly across the country and come back so changed. I fly to LA a lot these days, mostly for TV appearances or influencer related events, so when I decided to partner with Pure Farmland and join their influencer retreat, I had somewhat of an idea in my head about how it would go. Part of the retreat experience included going to Food Expo West, which was supposed to happen in Anaheim. But literally 24 hours before I landed in California, it was cancelled due to the outbreak of coronavirus (a.k.a. COVID-19) in the US.
#BLOGHER: Should you go? Why I went and what I learned.
This post is sponsored by Invitae and SHE Media.
Yes, that’s me at #Blogher20 Health in Los Angeles looking like I have short hair! I did a double take when I saw the shot—is that really ME? The funny thing is I’ve actually been contemplating this exact chop for a while but haven’t been able to pull the trigger. It’s always easier cutting your hair when you’re at the verge of a major life change.
My Nominations for International Women’s Day 2020
Well…in all fairness, ALL WOMEN are nominated and celebrated annually on March 8th which is International Women’s Day. BUT, every year I call out the women who are currently inspiring me, blowing my mind in real time and motivating me to be better. Thank you to adidas for sponsoring this feature on and being a leader in the movement to empower girls and women across the globe. These are the women that ignite the unstoppable feminine power inside of me.
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It’s part muse, part news, and a whole lot of community. Let’s navigate this crazy wellness world together! Get all my healthy living, beauty, style and travel tips! Learn about my latest discoveries, from innovations in fitness to skincare technology & anti-aging. Not only will I share what products, services and experiences I’m loving for head to toe wellness, I’ll help you get access to them and guide you through decisions like only a best friend could. This is where you want to stay connected with me for events, deals, giveaways, retreats, and updates on projects I’m working on just for you! See that box below? That’s where the magic happens.