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My Body Got Tutored In Food & Fitness Online


MyBodyTutor - What's the point?

My friend Dan from Cornell University's Food Lab emailed me about because he knows I'm a proponent of mindful eating over fad dieting. His email came at the perfect time because my Swedish Fish addiction was spinning out of control.

MyBodyTutor is an online wellness service that keeps you on track with your food and fitness goals. All you need is a computer and no more than 10 minutes a day to log-in to your account and tell your personal tutor about what you ate and how you exercised that day. If you've never exercised before, your tutor will help you with a plan of action. Your tutor is a real person; a professional trainer, nutritionist or life coach. He/she gets to know your health status and goals and then provides feedback on your daily reports. Tutors bring bad habits to your attention and suggest food and exercise modifications. You're asked to set daily goals (because it's too easy to flake-out on long-term...

Earn the right to bare arms with SusieQ Fitlife Arms of a First Lady DVD. I'm giving 2 away!


I hadn't heard of SusieQ until I got an email from her claiming she could give any woman Michelle Obama arms. I was intrigued and asked for proof. The very next day SusieQ Fitlife: Arms Of A First Lady was in my hands. She clearly wanted me to start working out ASAP. So that's what I did.

The Arms of A First Lady DVD is a great, uplifting workout. SusieQ is engaging and positively pigtails. 

Lots of fitness pro's claim their workout will give you Michelle Obama arms but SusieQ's DVD actually delivers...and in more ways than one. She takes the whole presidential theme to the extreme with exercises like The New Bama Swing and Armed Force Raise. Her quirky White House references take the edge off the burn and raise your spirits throughout your workout.

The DVD is 52 minutes long and includes a beginner and advanced workout. Choose between the 2 levels or play the entire DVD from start to end and adjust your weights throughout the workout. 3-5 pound weights...

How 2 Keep Your Fitness Gear Safe From Thieves


I love everything about Wordlock except the boring cable colors on the bike locks. I'm mostly concerned about the locking system but some neon or metallic couldn't hurt.

A word is so much easier to remember than a number, and more fun to keep changing around! Keep things interesting in the gym locker room by constantly updating your 4 or 5 letter password. You never know who's after your Lululemon gear!

Wordlock comes in a SPANISH language lock too!

Shop/Browse Wordlock Bike Locks on Amazon

What word combination would you pick if your first choice (POOP) hadn't been exposed to the world?


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