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Valeo wins for best medicine ball design! Medicine balls usually makes me cringe but these come in b
Valeo wins for best medicine ball design! Medicine balls usually makes me cringe but these come in bright colors and a range of sizes/weight. They are a great addition to your modern gym or your teeny tiny studio apartment.
click on the image above to go directly to Valeo’s medicine ball page
Booty Call
For all you twitter birds, you can now find me and my blog posts on the highly addictive High-five me, blow me kisses, and tweet me
One-Arming It: Unilateral Strength Training for Muscle Building
*Contributed by New Yorker/Gym-goer Jeremy S., MizzFIT Guest Blogger*
A few years ago I had a dumbbell dilemma. I had the strength to lift heavy, but could not manage to get two dumbbells in the correct position without the aid of a partner. My solution: use both arms to position a single dumbbell and train unilaterally (aka working one side of the body at a time, aka one-arm presses).
Since that day I have made one-arm presses a staple of my work out and it’s become pretty common for my fellow gym-goers to approach me and inquire what the benefit is to only using a single arm (performing a one-arm chest press with a 100lb dumbbell tends to attract attention). As you now know, I didn’t set out to become a proponent of one-arm presses, but have since learned (and more importantly experienced) the three key benefits associated with unilateral training:
Core Strength: When you perform a one-arm press, your body is unstable. You have weight on one...
By now we all know that Ryan Reynolds has ripped abs
MJ, I never mentioned this before but I had a very serious crush on you as a little girl
MJ, I never mentioned this before but I had a very serious crush on you as a little girl. I would dress up like you (with the glove, jacket and hat) and dance on cue for my parent’s friends. Not much has changed since then except that I’ve incorporated more sequins into my MJ inspired look. I’m so sad that you’re gone and the world will not be the same without you. But one thing is for sure, your music will always inspire us to move. Thank you for giving us music and dance that is every bit edgy, glamorous and energetic. R.I.P. P.Y.T.
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