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Post Gym Sneaks
Keep an extra pair of sporty walking shoes and a change of clothes in your gym bag so you can always leave the gym looking fresh. I recommend these Converse sneakers because they're easy to slip on and look great with a white burn-out t-shirt and your favorite pair of jeans. You never know what plans might pop up after the gym or who you might run into. It's hard to rally when you're stuck in sweaty workout clothes.
mizzFit was invited back to AEROJUMP!
Michael Olajide, Jr. invited me back to AEROJUMP class today and I’m so excited that I’m going out to buy my very own jump rope. I highly recommend this class to anyone who’s trying to get in shape or wants a mean cardio challenge. Take advantage of AEROSPACE’s offer to try out any class they offer for $20. You can also purchase a class day pass for $40 or better yet get a membership.
Fitness Hurts
Let’s face it, the gym kicked your butt today. Or maybe it was that high intensity AEROJUMP class you took at AEROSPACE after reading my review. Your body hurts and that 1980’s heating pad your mother gave you combined with Icy Hot isn’t doing the trick. What do you do? The answer for your aching body is none other than Jeremy Roland.
Jeremy works at the Equinox Spa on 17th street and 10th avenue. He’s been practicing massage therapy for 3 years. He graduated from the Swedish Institute which must be a very good school because Jeremy gives the best massage I’ve ever had. Jeremy uses a combination of Myofascial release, Swedish massage, and Shiatsu points. I will warn you, he’s not a soft new age-y massage therapist. But who wants that anyway when your body is screaming bloody murder? Jeremy doctors your sore spots with firm hands and arms. He doesn’t ask you if the pressure is too much (as we’ve all been asked before)—he concentrates on fixing the problem. Jeremy...
This is what I call a fitness faux pas
What do you think?
It’s been raining all day long in NYC. But take advantage, people! The Hudson river park running path along the WSH is looking pretty spacious and inviting…
Is footballer, Christian Ronaldo, a Marc Jacobs fashion muse?
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