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My Golden Ticket Quarterly Boxes

My boxes have gone GOLDEN! Well...a select few of them have, which means amazing prizes for some very lucky ladies. Catch up with me as I unbox the "Clean Slate" #MIZ06 box and reveal what's in store for #MIZ07. Watch the video I made for you above or click the link below: My Golden Ticket Quarterly Boxes! #MIZ06 #MIZ07 How 'bout dem balloons? Have you ever tried hailing a cab with 40 balloons? Not easy! But I really enjoyed filming with them to unbox my Clean Slate box. Did you get it? I hope it renewed your routine! I'm still doing my Booya Fitness workouts. ARE YOU? I love this online membership on days when it's pouring rain and I just want to stay at home. Speaking of workouts, you guys are in for quite a treat with the next box. Not only is it packed to the gills, but I put a workout schedule together for you, too. Sign up for my 90/10 Quarterly Box RIGHT HERE! Each box is so different and keeps me on my toes! I want to be the best fitness trends curator...

My Skincare Regimen at 36

My publicist once told me to lie about my age because I looked younger than my years. So, I did for a little bit but then over time I became empowered by how great my mid-30's felt. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to say I'm 36. However, prancing around with 2 giant red balloons in the park is a different story, LOL! Especially when everybody thinks it's your birthday and it's really not. Many thanks to Altchek MD for all the attention and for making my skin look so great at 36 years old. Let me tell you a little about Altchek MD and why I love their skincare products. As I get older, I find I need to do more to preserve the firmness, the lift and glow factor of my skin. Aging lines, sun damage and sagging are major concerns of mine, and I'd like to do the most I can to prevent the visible aging process from coming on faster than it needs to. I can't perform magic tricks but I can wear Altchek MD's Daily Moisturizer made with SPF30, Ester C and Vitamin E. These are all...

Is Your Deodorant Safe? Find Out!

I was totally ignorant on this topic until my Aunt Lourdes brought it to my attention one night over dinner. She told me to choose my deodorant wisely because many popular brands pose health risks, especially to women. My aunt is no stranger to disease as a survivor of Melanoma tumors and having recently lost her beloved husband to Esophageal cancer, so I decided to take heed and do a little research of my own. Here's what I found... For the sake of being accurate, let's call these dangerous deodorants what they really are, which is antiperspirants. Don't worry, I will explain and you'll soon know the difference. Most antiperspirants are made with ALUMINUM. Why? Because aluminum prevents our underarms from stinking by blocking sweat from escaping through our pores onto the surface of the skin. The plus side is less sweat and stink but the downside is that antiperspirants prevent the human body from doing it's job, which is to rid itself of toxins. Many of you fitness lovers...

I'm in the Lacroix Water Ads!

I used to write and design ads for a living and now, I'm in one! Check me out in Lacroix Sparkling Water's new campaign called "Start A Healthy Relationship", which can be seen on the Lacroix website and in several fitness & health publications like Oxygen Magazine. It's totally blowing my mind but at the same time I keep asking myself: why should this feel surreal? I earned it. Since May of 2009, I've been on a mission to take everything I learned and experienced from my advertising career and turn into something truly positive that will help women embrace health & wellness. And here I am, in an ad for a beverage that I truly love, representing that movement. I'm overjoyed and so thankful. I couldn't see into the future years ago and never knew what would come of my crazy idea to build and become an influencer within the health industry. I was so freakin' scared but I did it. So I want all of you to know that anything is possible with hard work,...

What's On My Desk?

So it's Friday and I'm at the office. I thought I'd share with you what I've got on my desk today: the March issue of People Style Watch Magazine and my new favorite toy, a Ball Wide Mouth Mason Jar with a fruit infuser lid! I typically only share my press features on my press page, but today I'm expecially THANKFUL because this issue of People Style Watch marks the 12th time I've been quoted in their magazine. I'm feeling really grateful for 2.5 years of working with them to report on the hottest fitness trends happening nation-wide. I also wanted to take a moment to tell all of you that I'm always here to answer your questions about health & wellness so feel free to contact me. My mission has always been to get you moving! It's why I love my job :) I know in the winter it can be really hard, if not impossible, to go outside for a run. God knows I won't do it in these temperatures that have been hitting NYC. I hope my latest quote in PSW Mag will inspire you...

Fancy Home Gyms - Get Ideas To Build Your Own!

-- This is a guest post by Jane Blanchard -- One of the most classic New Year's resolutions is to start going to the gym more, which is exactly why gyms start hiking up their enrollment fees around this time. The other alternative to getting fit is to build your own gym at home. Here are some seriously over-the-top home gyms that we can dream about having one day. Photo via Houzz Who wouldn't love their very own smoothie bar? Or maybe it's an actual bar, but still. Even the color scheme screams "let's work out today!" Photo via Houzz Yes, this is actually in a home. Two levels, with a sauna! This homeowner either has a very large family or a lot of guests that like working out. Or she’s just awesome. Photo via Houzz There's not one but two hot tubs in there! Plus, those light-up stairs must look killer all hours of the day.   Photo via Houzz Lots and lots of workout equipment and a super comfy chair to relax in...

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