What happened to my eye??? #Chalazion
Hey guys, so last weekend I had the worst thing happen to my eye. For some reason the glands in my eyes decided to act up and stop working normally. The reason for this is still unknown but I'll get into that later. The backup created a huge "chalazion" on my eyelid (also called a hordeolum), which caused me so much pain and discomfort over the course of a week. The inflammation made it nearly impossible to open my eye and it was sore to the touch--like someone punched me in the eye socket. I could barely touch it with my fingertip without wanting to cry. I tried to wait it out because everyone was telling me I just had a stye. I totally appreciated receiving everyone's recommendations. I think the apple cider vinegar, boric acid and hot compress tips were all wonderful but my situation was too far gone for these remedies to heal. Plus, those hot compresses hurt so bad! I ended up at urgent care where I didn't get the right treatment but at least I got a few doctor...