So here's what went down...
I saw a picture of Norma Kamali sporting a fitness getup from her collection for Opening Ceremony that I wasn't digging.
I made a comment about it on the MizzFIT Facebook page. Lo and behold, the next day there's an email from her in my inbox. Ahhh, F*@K me! It took me a solid hour to bolster up the courage to open up it. Was she pissed? Would she blackball me from all her stores? Would she summon her fashionista squad to stone me to death...or worse, ban me from wearing her clothes?
I finally opened it (with my eyes closed).
In her email, Norma acknowledged my comments about the functionality of her garb, but backed it up by saying that she designs for the modern woman who likes to express herself in creative, comfortable and cost effective ways. She said she's proud of her designs and wanted me to look at her transitional fitness apparel in a different way...keeping in mind her mission.
Norma had me at "hello, I'm taking the high road". I wasn't sorry for my opinion though, so I didn't apologize. I told her the truth. That she's one of my favorite designers. That I have NK hand-me-downs from my mom (when she was my age) hanging in my closet which I prize. That she's right...women SHOULD ALWAYS creatively express themselves in ways that makes them feel good...it's what I clearly preach for fitness. And then I told her that I was dying to interview her for Celebrity Sweat.
She agreed to the interview.
Norma Kamali may very well hate me (as I never did apologize for or delete the comments I made) but boy do I worship the ground she walks on. She is the definition of strong & classy. She never said a mean thing to me. Instead, she wanted me to know where her passion and eccentricity comes from, and why sometimes that is way more important and INTERESTING than the outfit itself.
**Norma, if you ever read this, I just want you to know that I'm glad I got your attention. But more than anything I'm glad that you taught me a lesson about a different kind of "style". Thank you for that.**