But you can and will if you sign up for my next Girls' Night Out event with New Balance. My story commences...
A month or so ago, I got a call from New Balance asking if I'd like to host their NYC summer event series called Girls' Night Out to celebrate their recently launched GNO Meet Up app. Just from the initial sound of it, this was an opportunity I could not say no to. I LIVE for empowering events that gather fitness, health and fashion loving women.
So I hopped on board but never imagined the caliber and excitement of the event that I helped shape with New Balance. Now, I can't take all the credit, because the New Balance team brainstormed the summer event series that takes place in both Boston and New York. But I was thrilled to see so many of my readers and community of fit-fashionistas show up.
It was the best party of my summer so far! And there are 2 more #NBGNO parties coming up. So it only gets better for me Let me tell you what goes on, so that you can hurry up and sign up for the next one!
#NBGNO stands for New Balance Girls' Night Out. It's a different kind of "night out". The last #NBGNO party started out with a 3.5 mile run that began from the New Balance Union Square store down to Hudson River Park (near Chelsea Piers Sports & Rec Center) with a jaunt on the Highline and back.
The photo you see above is of the group of women I led out from Group #1. We had so many amazing women (both seasoned and non-seasoned runners) show up that we decided to create 2 run groups. My group ran a little faster than Group #2 (but not by much) and included some astounding Ultramarathoners like Michelle Mason and Sky Canaves. So let's just say we had a nice mix of all levels of runners.
My goal in my opening talk for #NBGNO was to encourage all these women to connect with their city during this run. I wanted them to take in their surroundings, socialize with each other and treat fitness in a different way than they're used to. I believe that's how inspiration happens and without twisting a single arm, all these #NBGNO women accepted the task with an open and creative heart. It was cool to see how everyone connected in their own way and let loose for a fun night with new friends.
That's Group #2 above on the Highline. Their run leader was New Balance's NYC run coach in case you're wondering how a guy popped into frame.
As soon as both run groups returned, the #NBGNO party turned the volume up at the New Balance Union Square store. Just like an ordinary weekend night out, we had cocktails, appetizers and lots of dancing. But unlike an ordinary night out, #NBGNO was on a weeknight and we broke a sweat together with calories that kept on burning through the night. Thanks to DJ Brek.One, we had music that couldn't stop us from moving. This was a club experience minus the club and all the hassles that can make going out so annoying sometimes.
And yes, we got a little tipsy and silly all at once. It's what girls are supposed to do. #NBGNO rallies women to have positive experiences together and when you can do that through fitness and running, it makes exercise seem like a piece of cake. There are no workout "ruts" when women motivate each other.
All through the night (well...up until 9.30pm), we partied inside New Balance while the rest of New York City walked on by quietly. We exchanged numbers, social media handles and some of us even grabbed dinner together.
I was so moved by everyone's energy and vibe that when I got home I immediately called my mother to tell her about it. I couldn't remember doing that since I last went on a great first date. But that's what it was! A first night out with women I can't wait to see again. The next #NBGNO event in NYC happens on June 24th at 6.30PM at the New Balance Experience Store.
SIGN UP HERE or rsvp directly to emily_saltzman@dkcnews.com by June 20th.