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Boing with Kangoo: A Dance Party Workout With Bounce Taught By Mario Green in NYC


Are you having fun at your gym? If not, it's time for you to Boing! Crunch NYC offers a class called Boing with Kangoo and it's hands down the most fun I've ever had at a gym. I'm serious. Boing with Kangoo is a laugh-out-loud-jump-for-joy-feel-good kind of workout. It's a crazy adrenaline rush, kind of like jumping on a trampoline while wearing roller blades (not exactly and not quite as scary, but close). Check your ego at the door and channel your best Richard Simmons because once you forget about looking cool you'll start having fun. Now on to the good stuff...

What's this Boing thing all about and who's this Mario guy?

Boing with Kangoo is a low impact, cardio-based group fitness class using Kangoo Jumps (read about them here). You'll hop, jog, skip, jump, and even shimmy your way through a choreographed routine that's easy to follow and set to a dance party soundtrack that rocks. If you think Kangoo Jumps are wild, then instructor Mario Green is even...

Fitness Glove Couture


The best fitness gloves marry fashion and function. They look hot on your hands and save you from the following: 1) unsightly callused skin, 2) fungi that breeds on sweaty athletic equipment (like yoga mats), 3) discomfort from impact, and  4) total embarrassment from losing your grip on weights or equipment while working out. Don't let your workout irritate your hands. Accessorize with fitness gloves and keep your hands feeling soft and looking feminine. As you may have already guessed, my favorite gloves are featured above and listed below.



Altus MAX-CORE Weightlifting Glove

SweatyBetty Fitness Glove

Harbinger Women's Pro Wash and Dry Weight Lifting Gloves 

Elite Fitness Gloves by Nike

Nike Multi-Purpose Women's Training Gloves

Nike Cardio Fitness Glove  

Bionic Ladies Fitness Glove

W’s SELECT Gel Glove by Pearl Izumi *For Cycling*

Nike Black & White Swirl Cardio...

The Urban Skinny Giveaway


I'm not big on diet books and I generally believe that if you exercise consistently and mix up your routine, you're entitled to eat whatever you want. But I realize that's tough when you live in a city like New York and you're surrounded by all kinds of amazing food. You could probably exercise your heart out and still split your pants from eating out every night. The most tasty food in the world is at your fingertips and that can make grocery shopping and cooking tedious. It doesn't help that city folk spend most of their time in work and social settings leaving limited time for at home food preparation. There's always an appetizer, a cocktail or late night falafel that isn't planned but just ends up happening. In my case, it's a few chai lattes too many througout the day. Starbucks is on every freakin' corner!

So when I heard about a chic nutritional roadmap for city dwellers called Urban Skinny: Live The Fabulous Life - And Still Zip Up Your Favorite Jeans, I...

MizzFIT On Buns Of Steal


I'm flattered...I'm blushing...I'm so excited to grace the virtual pages of Buns of Steal! Julia Neyman, writer and creator of the blog Buns of Steal, had no choice but to become my fitness muse. Why? Because I told her so! Check out her blog for how to achieve a high class fitness regimen without ever having to spend a dime. Yep, all for FREE! Somehow, some way she hunts down free classes and trial memberships in whatever city she happens to be living in...right now it's NYC. This girl's got moxie. What's not to love?


A snippet from Julia's blog post follows below but definitely click the link above for the full Buns of Steal experience.

Facility: Pure Yoga
Location: Upper West Side
Pass: Free trial session
Money Saved: can't even estimate, because yoga here is limited to members ($150/month membership); but, if you're a member of (the dreaded) Equinox, you can drop in on a class for $25 a day.

So, Mizzfit and...

10 Essential iPhone Apps for Runners (Reblog)


Runners, treat yourself to these training apps and get motivated for all the races you're going to run this summer.

10 Essential iPhone Apps for Runners --reblogged from Jeana Lee Tahnk

RunKeeper Pro

Ghost Race

Get Running

Livestrong Calorie Tracker




Run Coach

Interval Run


mizzFIT BONUS: MeloRun (calculates your perfect training heart beat rate)


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It’s part muse, part news, and a whole lot of community. Let’s navigate this crazy wellness world together! Get all my healthy living, beauty, style and travel tips! Learn about my latest discoveries, from innovations in fitness to skincare technology & anti-aging. Not only will I share what products, services and experiences I’m loving for head to toe wellness, I’ll help you get access to them and guide you through decisions like only a best friend could. This is where you want to stay connected with me for events, deals, giveaways, retreats, and updates on projects I’m working on just for you! See that box below? That’s where the magic happens.