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Tech Boom in Fitness, Fashion & Health

Tech is a hot topic in fitness, fashion and health more than ever these days. It's drastically changing these industries with more advanced fabrics, lighter and more funtional parts, more accurate tracking and motion sensors, and overall cooler customization. It's really amazing to see all the companies being born out of these kind of technological advancements. Technology spells OPPORTUNITY! I've been covering technology in fitness, fashion and health over the last 5 months and I really hope you enjoy these trend reports. The reason I find them so relevant is because by 2020, wearable technology alone with generate over 20 billion dollars in revenue. And I'm not talkin' pedometers! The category continues to evolve and expand beyond the fitness tracker we're all familiar with. It's a new tech-y world out there. Enjoy these recaps and please let me know what you think! This piece is from TechstyleNYC 2016 which just took place during New York Fashion Week on February 16th,...

Trade Your Sweat for Prizes!

I'm so excited for Round 2 of winter fitness challenges from Booya Fitness! The VDAY challenge in Feb was amazing! Check out the new theme for March by watching the video below: All you have to do is sign up HERE on Booya Fitness to get going. Take the classes you love and follow instruction promps for the current Cardio Blast Challenge to be entered to win these prizes in the video below... Isn't the host so FAB? I mean...look at how she handles those prizes. But seriously, it's hard to decide which one is my favorite prize because quite frankly, I own them all. The prizes I pick for each Booya Fitness challenge are based on my favorite products and gear that I've personally test out for you. Like I say in the video, we're picking 3 winners per prize category, so you have an excellent chance of winning. My advice is sweat your butt off and win yourself some stylish fitness gear. What does entering cost you? Literally, a workout! And that's something you were...

Controversial Women Are Beautiful

I've always been a little controversial because I've never enjoyed sharing the opinion of many. I like to come to my own conclusions and I'm not afraid to stand out in a crowd. I take a lot of criticism for being an outspoken Republican (I'm NOT anti-gay marriage or pro-life though), for wearing waist trainers and even for making a living off of social media. If I ever had thin skin it definitely thickened up. People are always judging but that's OK, I enjoy the path less traveled if it sparks my curiosity. And yes, I've kissed a girl, but who hasn't? In all aspects of life, I'm drawn to women who take a stand on issues, don't care about being labeled a freak and just come out and say whatever it is they feel needs to be said. They're unicorns. I have 2 that I want to bring to your attention. There's Mar Ortiz who I discovered when her instagram selfie went viral. I was asked to comment on it. Watch the news segment below... CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW TO PLAY. I haven't...

How to HelloFresh! Become Your Own Chef!

Hey guys! As you know, I started cooking regularly because of HelloFresh. It's become my #1 healthy habit aside from going to the gym daily. It's also such a wonderful experience to share with the people I love. Whether it's my boyfriend coming over to cook with me, my mom visiting from Missouri or my best friend coming to spend the weekend with me to play in New York City, I literally ALWAYS have a meal in the fridge for 2 that only takes 30-45 minutes to whip up. Give HelloFresh a try! Here’s $35 off your first box on me! Visit or use MIZZFIT at checkout on Even when I'm home alone and hungry, I can cook a HelloFresh meal and save the 2nd portion for my lunch or dinner the next day. Last night I made HelloFresh's Carmelized Onion Burger but instead of fries, the recipe included a roasted cauliflower side. It was SO GOOD! I only ate half the bun and the wonderful part about the meal is that the portions are JUST RIGHT. I...

My Road Trip with Ford

The Fall of 2015, I had the most amazing time road tripping throughout the Tri-State area with Ford Motors in a 2015 Ford Escape. We filmed all my fit adventures while on the road and gave away road trips and incredible lease deals to people who entered the #WhereToNow sweepstakes. The concept of the beautifully captured campaign was that an exciting adventure could be as close as your backyard. You don't have to travel far-away to experience something new, healthy and active. We often take for granted the wonderful parks and historical sights within the region we live in. These are great places to work out and find inspiration. So why not make a day trip of it? The #WhereToNow campaign is no longer viewable on YouTube or TV (my road trip was all over the news!) as it came to an end in December 2015. But please check out these 15-second mini-clips and let me know what you think. What kind of fit road trips have you been on lately and what tips do you have to share?...

Is a personal trainer worth it? My experience at NYSC.

Back in the day when you joined a gym, they'd throw in a few personal training sessions with your new membership. It was supposed to wet your appetite for personal training and help you ease into your new gym-life. Every trainer I got was just going through the motions, fully knowing I'd disappear on him or her once my free sessions were up. It was quite the self-fulfilling prophecy. I disappeared. But who wants to invest in personal training when your trainer doesn't give a damn? And can you blame them for not caring when they know new members are taking them for joyride? The world of fitness has changed a lot since those days, and so have gym-goers. People are investing more of their paycheck in health & wellness, and seem to be more committed to their workouts than ever. A few years ago The New York Times reported that some women were studio-hopping, taking more than 1 class a day to get their fix. Wow! Now that's a passion for fitness! It's the kind of enthusiasm...

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