Tech is a hot topic in fitness, fashion and health more than ever these days. It's drastically changing these industries with more advanced fabrics, lighter and more funtional parts, more accurate tracking and motion sensors, and overall cooler customization. It's really amazing to see all the companies being born out of these kind of technological advancements. Technology spells OPPORTUNITY!
I've been covering technology in fitness, fashion and health over the last 5 months and I really hope you enjoy these trend reports. The reason I find them so relevant is because by 2020, wearable technology alone with generate over 20 billion dollars in revenue. And I'm not talkin' pedometers! The category continues to evolve and expand beyond the fitness tracker we're all familiar with. It's a new tech-y world out there. Enjoy these recaps and please let me know what you think!
This piece is from TechstyleNYC 2016 which just took place during New York Fashion Week on February 16th, 2016.
I appeared in this tech + health segment on Great Day Washington in D.C. I think the female host was expecting the Slendertone Belt to give her a little shock, but it's really more complicated than that. I actually really love this belt and find it comparable to a waist trainer.
And this last video is a segment I did on CTStye in Connecticut. I reviewed some great healthy lifestyle apps that I personally cannot live without. A few of these apps are currently only NY/CA based but are quickly expanding. I LOVE PAGER APP (which is actually owned by Uber) and one I didn't have time to mention is SHYP APP, which literally packages and ships any kind of item you don't have time to wrap up and take to the post office.
Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below. What did you love, hate or think was missing? Always love your feedback. I can't possibly cover it all, so having you add your 2-cents is crucial! Thanks for watching and commenting!