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HelloFresh + Bianca Jade

HelloFresh is how I learned to efficiently and deliciously cook. I never took an interest in making my own meals until I was 30. And once I became interested, the hassle of grocery shopping quickly became a burden, reigniting my laziness to order delivery or takeout. It's crazy to think you can be so gung-ho about fitness but then not take the best care of yourself when it comes to food prep. But I'll admit, that was ME...until I started to see my laziness take its toll on my body. The body I was working so hard to sculpt in the gym, sheesh! When you dine out frequently or constantly resort to delivery and takeout, you have no idea what's going into your food. Most likely, it's going to add up to lots of sodium, butter and unnecessary sugars and oils. As they say, ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN. I'm not a nutritionist or health coach but a lot of my friends are (with best selling books to boot!). So let's just say I've learned a thing or two from them, starting with how...

What Is Waist Training? Is It Safe for Fitness?

You've heard good and bad things about waist training. You've also read my take on it before here. But I'm going back to the basics because this is something I feel strongly about (as a waist training fan) and I realize that many of you might have unanswered questions about the growing trend. What is waist training? Waist training is the process of reducing and correcting your waistline. It's an age old practice from Victorian times that has made a comeback--in a modern way--in recent years. There are all kinds of waist trainers. Like tons! I kid you not...there are waist trainers for wearing under your everyday clothing, for wearing over workout clothes and for wearing to look exceptionally sexy with lingerie. Whatever floats your boat! I'm personally an expert when it comes to waist trainers for shaping and firming your midsection ('cause you know how much I love fitness!) In the video above, you will see me talking about fitness/sport waist trainers that are...

Best Bottled Water for You? Find out, win a yoga mat!

I ranked the most popular bottle brands. Watch the video above or click to view my healthy water segment HERE on WGN News in Chicago. You have to be careful because marketing and packaging of bottled waters can be really misleading. Many water brands with fancy glass bottles and beautiful packaging design are just THAT. All advertising! The water inside isnt always the best for you, especially if it's low in pH, contains impurities, and has additives like artificial flavorings and dyes. Why does pH matter? Our bodies function better when the things we consume are slightly more alkaline. Food and drink that is acidic (with a low pH) can lead to disease and dificiency. For this reason, I love Core Water. Believe it or not, it helps me balance my life. A little story about that HERE. Core Water also has electrolytes in it, which are a combination of minerals that create a charge and help your body hang on to water better. Electrolytes improve hydration and are important...

This is Cryotherapy. Brrrrr!

I promised you I would try it. Here's what happened in my cryotherapy session at KryoLife in NYC. Watch the video above or CLICK HERE! I'll be honest, it's f***ing cold! But if you want the benefits of the treatment, it's worth enduring the very looooong 3 minutes. I had a camera on me, so I was working really hard to get through it like a champ. IT WAS NOT EASY. The day I went to film at KryoLife, owned and operated by Joanna Fryben,  I was actually feeling significant shoulder pain. So I was genuinely hoping to reap the benefits of whole body cryo and report back to you on how quickly it worked. It wasn't an overnight kind of relief, but the pain did completely go away about a day and half later. In fact, I felt wonderful all over by that time. Cryotherapy is hailed as a cure-all and people are using it to get rid of all kinds of things like acne, cellulite, unwanted weight, inflammation, depression, libido problems, and body injuries. If you're an athlete or...

TomTom Spark is Music to My Ears

This is my new TomTom Spark Cardio + Music and GPS fitness watch. I know you’ve probably heard of many fitness trackers already but this one is the tracker of all trackers. I literally just went bonkers on a plane over it...but let me work my way into that story. I’m arguably one of the toughest critics of fitness watches and trackers. Most of the ones I’ve purchased or have been sent to review bite the dust in my gadget drawer at Mizzfit Headquarters. For the most part I find them to be unnecessary time suckers. I already have enough gadgets and gizmos in my life that if I'm going to add something to the mix, it better do something spectacular. I want it to improve my fitness routine and make it more fun, not complicated. To be perfectly honest, the TomTom Spark Cardio + Music frustrated me at first because there’s a bit of set up involved. You have to sync it to your computer, enter a bunch of personal info so that it can compute your stats, get the app on your...

Chef Robert Irvine Didn't Bite My Head Off!

Chef Robert Irvine is a really sweet guy even though he can come off as quite tough on his Food Network shows. I was so honored to interview him about his new book Fit Fuel and shift into fitness because I've been a fan of his for years and an avid watched of every Impossible show he's done. What I didn't capture in this interview is how much he adores his wife Gail Kim who is a professional wrestler and fitness lover. She's clearly a major inspiration to him. During the interview, Gail called him and you better believe he picked up his phone to take the call. So right in the middle of our interview, I got to see this "softy" side of him.  I could've cared less that we had to backtrack a bit and start the question over because I was overjoyed to see that a fitness woman melts Chef's heart. Please watch my interview with the Food Network's popular host and chef, Robert Irvine, and enter to win an autographed copy of his new Fit Fuel book by leaving a comment below or on...

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