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What you need for a healthy, "appy" life

I recently appeared on CT Style to talk about my favorite health apps. I didn't get to mention all of them, so here's a list of what I love and use often. You might be surprised that they're not all fitness apps. The truth is I use very few workout apps because I like to get offline to sweat. But lately, I've gotten pretty techy with regard to my wellness. These apps help me feel and look my best "in a jiffy" without having to run all over town. So, here's what I'm using... 1. Rise App - I won't go into this one too much because you can hear me sing its praises in the video above. But really all you have to do is take pics of your food at every meal, snack hour, and quickly check boxes for how long you worked out (or didn’t) and how much water you drank, etc. You never have to go anywhere to weigh in, get lectured or fill out lengthy forms. Everything happens through the app and you get daily feedback from your nutritionist. Here's a special Mizzfit promo code for 2 weeks...

The Juggling Act

My life is anything but normal. 8 years ago I left a career in corporate advertising to pursue my dream of reporting on health & fitness. I ended up creating a brand, launching and becoming an entrepreneur and TV host.  It’s crazy where your passion can take you if you let it. Mine landed me a huge campaign with Ford Motors! I refer to my life as a juggling act because there are so many facets of what I do that need to be in constant motion. I have what seems like a billion projects going on at once, and if I ignore one of them—well, you know what happens—the balls, the chainsaws and flaming sticks come toppling down on you and scatter. It’s risky business juggling a lot in your life, but for me personally, I live for the thrill! To keep everything afloat, balance is a necessity. I strive for it because as much as I love work, I want to make time for other things too. Like walking my dogs—a job in and of itself with how they tangle me...

How To Use A Waist Trainer

Hi guys! That's me planking it out in a waist trainer from Hourglass Angel. In fact, I have more than a few waist trainers that I've been using for over a year since becoming curious about the waist training trend. Like many of you, I saw Kim Kardashian's selfie that she took in her trainer and wondered what's this? I reached out to Hourglass Angel (the most well-known waist training seller online) to see if I could try their products and, of course, come to my own conclusion. Let's just say I ended up falling in love with waist training, which is something I really didn't expect. There's a lot of talk about waist training out there... ...but what you'll find here is my perspective on it and pointers for how to use trainers beyond the crazy selfies you see on social media. I'll also share my favorite styles, recommendations on sizing and a great discount! Considering what I saw on social media wasn't all too inspiring, I decided to share snapshots over the course of 8...

Chipotle Brussels Sprouts for Thanksgiving

#VivaLaMorena #CollectiveBias When I first started, I had no idea how to cook. Oh, how things have changed! It's one of my favorite things to do now. Today I'm sharing 2 dishes that I'll be preparing for Thanksgiving with my family. Since I'm the healthy one in my familia, they count on me to contribute an interesting veggie concoction that wows their taste buds. So, for 2015 it's going to be roasted brussels sprouts! As a Latina (my mother is Honduran), I'm feeling the need to spice up Thanksgiving with some Latin peppers. One of my recipes is an appetizer and the other is a side dish to accompany your turkey dinner. For both recipes below, I used La Morena chipotle food products. Together they took me no more than 25 minutes to prepare with prep time. La Morena products can be found at bodegas nation-wide. Look for them in the canned and jar food aisle where you'd find things like stewed tomatoes, pasta sauces, etc. The price tag is phenomenal. You...

Building Curl Confidence

I'm often complimented on my hair but what most people don't know is that for years it was my achilles heel. Up until about 5th grade, I had straight hair. It always fell into place and was easy to style. No complaints. Then again, I was so young that good hair wasn't really on my mind. Around the time I turned 12, my dad took me to get a "Mariah Carey" perm because I wanted Mariah's exact hair from her music video Someday. (I was obsessed!) Aaaaand, that was when my hair never went back to being the same. Don't get me wrong, I loved the perm! But after it grew out, I wasn't a fan of what was leftover. What changed my hair's texture? I'm pretty sure it was a combination of the perm's harsh chemicals (it was the early 90's afterall) and my onset of puberty. Again, not complaining as worse things have happened in my life, but as all wavy and curly-haired girls know, learning how to style curls is freakin' hard! Especially fried post-perm curls. I had gotten used to straight...

Rappelling: My Bravest Moment

Crazy that I'm just getting around to writing about this. It's been a whirlwind of a month but I'm finally back at Mizzfit headquarters blogging about all my exciting Fall adventures. Rappelling off a 20-story building is definitely one of them. I'll start here... There's an amazing event called Over The Edge that happens nationwide through the Special Olympics, and I decided to do it in St. Louis where I grew up. Even though I live in New York City, I will always be a Midwestern girl at heart. So, when the Special Olympics of Missouri asked me to work with them, I said hell yes!  Read about in my announcement post here. Oh...but wait...I'm scared of heights. Will that be a problem? Not when a team like this has your back ;) What follows are my favorite photographs from the day I conquered my fears with the Special Olympics of Missouri. In addition to raising awareness for this extraordinary event, I raised money to support it. To thank everyone who...

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