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Passion Box Revealed!

Having fire-ry passion is responsible for all of my success. That's why PASSION was the theme of my 4th Quarterly box. Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling myself Steve Jobs here, but I do take pride in my accomplishments. For example, I created a business and brand back in 2009 out of nothing but a love for fitness.  Nearly 6 years later, I'm happily making a living out of that business...and to think it all grew out of the small passion seed I planted is pretty cool. I want everyone to experience this because being passionate about your chosen path is thrilling. But it can also be confusing. I'm an Ivy school graduate but I sure as hell didn't go to business school and didn't know a thing about running a biz until I tried to teach myself...or ended up learning by trial and error. Doh! Finding your passion and acting on it are 2 of the greatest challenges in life. You'll shed blood, sweat and tears doing it. The sweating part is KEY in my opinion because...

Bethenny Frankel Joins NBGNO + Pink Sneaker Giveaway

Guess what?! Bethenny Frankel is our special guest at #NBGNO! I'm so excited about this because I've watched the Girls' Night Out movement grow so much since I joined the team. We are a group of empowered, health-loving women who work out hard but still crave a cocktail and girl-time. If there's anyone who fits that bill, it's definitely Bethenny! Look at everything she's done, from creating SkinnyGirl to hosting her own daytime talk show! New Balance & Susan G Komen For The Cure have been going strong for 25 YEARS! And for that reason, we celebrate at this next #NGBNO event, while honoring breast cancer awaresness month. As many of you know, October is the month of PINK. Companies of all kinds donate a portion of their profit from sales on PINK products made especially for breast cancer awareness and fundraising campaigns. New Balance has been doing this with Susan G. Komen for 25 years, making them one of the biggest sportswear players in PINK contributions. The...

Ultimate Guide to Wanderlust Festivals from a Pro

It's crazy how much Wanderlust Festivals have grown! They're no longer a summer thing, but rather an open-ended opportunity to travel to some of the most amazing destinations in the world year-round while immersing yourself in good vibes and wellness. If you're reading this it's because you're a professional Wanderluster (like me) or about to become one and you're looking for more information. Well, you've come to the right place because I'm going to attempt to share the most info I can about the 3 festivals I've attended, which were all very different. I never thought I'd get so hooked on a yoga lifestyle festival (even though I'm a yogi) but the minute I experienced the nature, music, holistic, artistic and social sides of Wanderlust I couldn't help but go back. The first festival I went to was at Copper Mountain, the next was in the North Shore of O'ahu and the most recent was a lot closer to home in Brooklyn's Prospect Park. I'm going to tell you about each of these...

A New Way To Think About Social Workouts

When you hear the words "social workout" you probably think "group fitness". But I'm going to make you think something entirely different by the time you finish reading this article. Social workouts are on the rise and extremely popular among women. They go beyond group fitness. They are experiential events where people actually socialize, network, exchange goods/information and get inspired. In many cases, the workout is only a small part of the bigger social workout picture. Why is this important? Because women are redefining what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. A happy, healthy life is a balancing act of exercise, work, love, family, friendship, passion, inspiration, travel, food, drink and a million other things. Even shopping! So why not bring these things together especially when it comes to fitness? The Girls' Night Out New Balance (NBGNO) events that I host in New York City aim to ahieve this...and I think we do a pretty good job! NBGNO events...

How To Use A Lip Crayon, Even For Fitness!

During this past New York Fashion Week 2014, I was invited to Style Coalition's beautiful influencer event at their loft in the Meatpacking District (right around the corner from Mizzfit headquarters). The Influencer Lounge was lavishly set up for Style Coalition's bloggers and vloggers to primp, enjoy a cocktail and rest their sore feet in between fashion shows. I got a gel manicure, had some champagne and made a huge discovery! While getting a makeup touch-up, I was introduced to Burt's Bees new line of lip crayons. Umm, I had no idea Burt's had expanded their product line so much so I was excited to get the scoop and sample it! I must admit, lip crayons were a little foreign to me even though I already owned one (thanks to Michelle Phan's Ipsy Glam Bag). I just didn't know how to use it correctly. So, I let the makeup artist at Style Coalition do her thing (as I meticulously watched her so I could reproduce the effect later)...and now, of course, I'm...

Top 5 Snack Bars For On-The-Go Wellness

-- This is a guest post by Liz Stark -- Walk into any supermarket, natural foods store – really, any store at this point – and you are bound to find shelves and aisles stacked with all kinds of bars. Gone are the days of one or two brands – now there are literally hundreds upon thousands to choose from! With so many different (and competing) bar brands on the market, how are people supposed to know which (if any) are appropriate to consume? Now I know that there will be many that will stop reading this article and adamantly declare, “All bars are terrible poison! Never eat anything that comes in a wrapper!” However, I personally feel that not all bars are created equal. With all the options available, there are big differences in quality and quantity of ingredients, company/customer relations, nutrition facts, intended consumers, wrapper/label design, and taste. While of course it is ideal to consume as many whole foods as possible, it might not always be...

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