A wellness "scene" has emerged. There are workout cliques, fit celebrities and even healthy parties that are impossible to get into. Like what happened to my invite to Athleta's 2014 NY Fashion Week Show??? Guess their short list is getting shorter, but that's how it goes these days.
Wellness isn't just nutritional, science-y and medical anymore. It's SOCIAL. Everybody's reading Well + Good and fitness companies are dying for a mention. Not only is there money in the health category, there's also status. Pretty soon we'll be rubbing elbows in gluten-free strip clubs. Ha! Anyway, you get what I'm saying. Wellness is cool and ADDICTING. Our time has arrived and we can be more unapologetically excessive than ever.
Today's round-up of TRENDS was inspired by my addiction. These things make it easier for me to get my fix.
1. YourGuru - Because you only want the BEST SH*T around and the only way to get that is to ask your friends in-the-know. They might be "dealers" or "buyers", either way they know what's good and can recommend the best personal training, group fitness classes and massage therapists around. That's why they're called GURUS.
YourGuru is a social recommendation and booking experience for wellness-loving people who don't want to waste their money on crapola. It lets people like you and me discover and connect with GURUS that are highly recommended by people we know. YourGuru is accessible from anywhere in the world and the idea is to grow the GURU-spirit of trusted community, so feel free to invite your peeps once you join.
YourGuru loves dealers as much as buyers! It lets wellness providers promote their brand, business, and network with new clients. You could be a yoga instructor, life coach or Reiki Master...as long as it promotes healthy living, you're IN! They're actually having a networking party on Nov 10th in NYC. RSVP to gbarnard@yourguru.com to attend.
YourGuru is like the Angie's List + LinkedIN of fitness. As a "buyer", you don't have to google search for local workouts anymore...or take a chance on a trainer that your gym matched you up with ('cause you know they didn't give it more than 2 seconds of thought). Instead, get fitness solutions and options from people you trust. Or do a little research yourself by checking out local YourGuru profiles.
I chose to work out with GURU Holly Jean Cosner who's a Pilates badass. I wanted a really tough abdominal routine and heard she's trained Erin Andrews and Jessica Biel. She gave me the hardest ab workout of my life and it was all set-up through the YourGuru platform. We met for my session at one of the studios she trains out of and now I recommend her to my friends.
2. Ombre Sneakers from Brooks - Because when you're a wellness addict, "ombre" isn't just a hairstyle, it's a shoe-style. Brook's new Ombre Collection for women offers their best running shoe styles in colors that will make your feet the main attraction. Check them out HERE!
They range from $110 - 150 in stores and on Brooksrunning.com, which is a lot less than those ombre locks cost ya! Thanks to Brooks, I'm doing a OMBRE SNEAKER GIVEAWAY! Leave a comment at the end of this article telling me what defines you most as a wellness addict and you'll be entered to win :)
3. NOBREADNYC - Because addicts will try ANYTHING that gives them a healthy high...like going gluten-free. But that's easier said than done when it comes to eating out, especially in a place like NYC where gluten can rear its head in just about any dish. Nobreadnyc.com makes eating out and ordering in a whole lot easier. The blog-turned-company offers gluten-free menus, restaurant profiles and reviews. Just search by name of restaurant, neighborhood or type of cuisine.
Equally nice is that now the gluten-free food service community in NYC has a platform to reach all the gluten-free junkies. Not only will I be using this site in conjunction with Seamless, I'm proud to report that founder Nicole Cogan is a Cornell University grad. Us Cornellies don't f*ck around!
4. CrossRope Elite Jump Rope System - Because if you're a fitness addict, you're known for your fancy footwork. And that's street cred you've gotta keep fresh. CrossRope makes the first-ever interchangeable weighted cable jump rope solution. That might sound like a mouthful but it's actually a refreshingly simple product that delivers big results. Just the kind of thing I like! What you need to know is that they're 1) weighted, 2) detachable and 3) offer varying degrees of challenge.
Below is the Swift Set, which has a 2 different intensities and thickness of cables (serving as the rope part) and the most comfortable jump rope handles you'll ever use. The cables have a loop at their ends and the handles have a clip on theirs. All you do is connect the cables to the handles and off you go.
But wait...it gets harder. That's because these cables range in difficulty. The lighter cables are more aimed at speed and conditioning so you won't feel any resistance until you move up to a cable on steroids called Titan. In the Swift Set that I own, the heavier 0.75 lb cable REALLY works my arms.
I wasn't expecting it to be so weighted but then I started to like it, realizing it's such a great way to firm up arm flab!
This jump rope system is definitely made for exercise addicts who can't stand jump ropes that get all twisted, have plastic links or bruise you when whacked in the ass. Plus, you can order the sets tailored to your height. They're the ulitmate travel-friendly workout and they're completely tangle-free.
The Complete System (above) makes a nice holiday gift for wellness addicts like ourselves or a manly-man that likes to show off the size of his cables (and how many reps he can do with them). I'm sure you know one of those :)
5. The BelleCore BodyBuffer - Because foam rollers are for amateurs! There's nothing fun about humping the floor. While foam rollers DO work, they also require a lot of work. With the BelleCore BodyBuffers all you do it plug 'em in and your deep tissue massage has begun!
I think every wellness addict should have one of these at their bedside. The babyBelle is the perfect size especially if you're going to self-massage. The larger model is great if someone else is going to use it on you. Here's a video that talks about how to use it.
What BodyBuffers do is relieve your muscles from soreness. But you can take it a step further and use it to warm up your muscles before exercise and then flush out metabolic waste build up (like lactic acid) post-workout. These BodyBuffers are perfect for runners and marathoners.
The deep tissue massage they deliver increases blood circulation to your muslces and makes recovery much quicker. Supposedly they also exfoliate and smoothe your skin but I've only used mine dry so far and just to massage. If you have cellulite, these won't make it disappear but they will help loosen the dermal bands which trap cellulite, reducing the dramatic dimpled appearance.
In the words of Diane Von Furstenberg:
"I have a massage at least once a week. I used to think massages were vain and indulgent, but I’ve learned that isn’t true. Massage bolsters the body’s defense system, aids circulation, and rids your body of toxins."
**If you have time, read this Vogue article she wrote as an excerpt from her book. It's AMAZING!
6. Designer Grippy Socks from Mizzfit & Pointe Studio - Because when you're a wellness addict, you have a whole drawer dedicated to your grippy barre socks. Most likely they're solid black and cost you upwards of $14. Rip offfff! I say: MORE SOCKS, LESS MONEY!
(take a peek at 'em on Pinterest)
The Mizzfit Multi-Pack designed by yours truly with Pointe Studio gives you 2 cute styles (with full bottom grip) for $20. Tell me that isn't a good deal! Isn't that what every wellness addict wants? That and a killer launch party--please come, it's next Saturday!
So are you a wellness addict like me? GIVEAWAY: What specifically defines you as one? Tell me in the comments section to win a pair of the Ombre Collection sneaks from Brooks! I'm picking a winner on Friday, November 8th.