The first step out of bed is the hardest step you’ll take all day. Along with Tri-State Ford, I’m going to show you how every step afterwards can lead you to an exciting adventure. I’m doing it all in a 2015 Ford Escape to celebrate Tri-State Ford’s “Where To Now?” adventure and sweepstakes!
Here are 5 tips that help me conquer the day every morning:
- Plan and prepare your breakfast the night before. It’s the most important meal you’ll have all day. I prep and freeze fruit for my smoothies the night before or I’ll soak chia seeds in almond milk for a yummy chia pudding breakfast.
- Make sure you’re fully stocked with all fixings for coffee or tea. I can’t start my day without it!
- Commit to an early morning workout by signing up for a class at a local studio. Or better yet, make a fit date with a friend. You’re less likely to skip fitness when you’re financially invested and have someone holding you accountable.
- Lay out active wear and sneakers the night before. It makes your getting ready routine faster, which means you can sleep a little longer. You’ll make better apparel choices, too, when you’re not in a rush.
- Play music or turn on the news as you start your day. It will energize and stimulate you to get up and go!
I wasn’t always an early riser. But that all changed when I realized all the benefits of a morning workout. You get it out of the way. You get your metabolism going. You’re more productive and have more energy.
Running wasn’t always my favorite workout either. I set a goal in my 20’s to run a marathon, which fueled my addiction. I’ve now run more races than I can count. My favorite way to run, though, is outside on a trail without mile markers or timers.
Fort Lee Historic Park is breathtaking and one of the greenest trails I’ve run in my life. The chirping, buzzing and rustling sounds take you to another world. I spotted a doe and her babies basking in the sun before we started filming. It was unreal! I’m used to running along the West Side Highway past hot dog vendors, so the sight of these beautiful creatures was really something else.
It was amazing to be within nature, looking out at the world I inhabit. That’s the George Washington Bridge I’m gazing at. I could see people on their way to work, school, appointments, job interviews, and all the busy moments that define our lives.
That’s what I love about road trips. You can slow down, be introspective and enjoy quality ME-time while taking in gorgeous views. The Panoramic Vista Roof on my Escape made that easy.
This #WhereToNow road trip wouldn’t be the same without my Ford Escape because I don’t travel light. There was plenty of room for my bags and fitness equipment. It’s a car match made in heaven for my species of active people on the go. And, I felt totally in control on all the twists and turns throughout Tri-State.
Being petite, the Hands-Free, Foot-Activated Liftgate on the Ford Escape came in handy. To open the trunk door, all you have to do is kick your foot under the bumper. To close it automatically, it simply takes another kick or the press of a button. There’s no need to jump up and slam the trunk door down (not all of us can reach!). It made getting to my next destination a cinch throughout this road trip.
So #WhereToNow? We’re off to the Croton Aqueduct! I’ll see you there in my next post. Don’t forget to enter the Tri-State Ford #WhereToNow Sweepstakes.
Did you see me on the Fox 5 News talking about my trip? CLICK HERE TO WATCH!
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Ends 10/31/2015, 21+. Details: http://bit.ly/1LPOSxU