It's hard for me to write this as I'm pretty upset...so bear with me here. I have something I want to get out and I'm going to try my best to use the right words here. About a month ago I was contacted by Popsugar and Under Armour to be a part of the I WILL WHAT I WANT campaign. It's a very empowering campaign about overcoming obstacles to achieve what you want in life no matter what other people have to say. I was honored to receive the invitation to say the least, esp after watching Under Armour's Misty Copeland commercial. Under Armour's request was to make a short video sharing my story to show how I will what I want. And so I did. You can watch it below.
Once I sent in the video, I did not hear from them for weeks. Popsugar kept making excuses for Under Armour but it was clear my story wasn't good enough for them. Perhaps it was because I mentioned the D-word (depression) or because I didn't wear their clothes in a sexy way. Perhaps it was because I was a little TOO REAL for them. That's really how I look when I work out...sorry!
I made my I WILL WHAT I WANT video with truth in my heart. I wanted all of you to know that the struggle for me has been real. I've lost my job, I've dealt with depression, I've fallen and gotten hurt...and each time I f*cking pick myself up. In fact, I filmed the entire I WILL WHAT I WANT video within days of getting into a vespa accident that I was hospitalized for. Under Armour needed the video ASAP. I was in pain just walking...but I filmed the video and gave it every bit of strength that I had in me.
I am proud of what I made and what I stand for...with or without Under Armour's seal of approval. I think it's funny that they have this campaign that's all about pursuing what you want no matter what anyone else has to say, and then they flat out REJECT me after I poured my heart into their project. I've thought long and hard about how it makes me feel. SHITTY. But you know what? I'm going to show them that I won't let their negative view of me get in my way. I want to share my life with you guys, the ups and the downs...but most of all the truth! I'd like to think that's why you read my blogs.
It's sad when big companies like Under Armour come up with campaigns as impactful as I WILL WHAT I WANT but then they can't walk their talk. It's sad when at the end of the day, it's more about makeup, model endorsement and who has the most followers on Instagram. Does any of that stuff really matter? Let's say it together: NOPE!
You know that job I lost? (The one I refer to in the video.) Well, I used to write and produce commercials just like the ones Under Armour makes. I wrote commercials to elevate brands so that people like you and me would spend money on their products. I'm so glad I lost my job back in 2007. The best thing that happened to me was starting a starting a new career based on PASSION, INTEGRITY, HARD WORK, ACCEPTANCE and TRUTH.
So to Under Armour I say, I WILL WHAT I WANT but not with you. And that's why I decided to share this video regardless of what they think.
As always, my friends, thanks for reading. Hope I don't sound too angry. Writing this actually calmed me down A LOT.
Say whatcha like below in comments section. After UA's rejection today, I can pretty much take anything...good or bad :)
xoxo, Bianca Jade