
Interview with Pro Surfer Carissa Moore

Q.You’re only 19 years old and you’re an ASP Women’s World Champ. How does that feel?
I have to pinch myself all the time. I am so lucky to be where I am at in life right now. It has been a dream of mine since I was little to be a world champ so to have that goal checked off already is unbelievable.

Q.You're constantly in the water. Which surfing event do you look forward to most?
I love the Roxy Pro on the Gold Coast of Australia. It is the first event of our year and the wave is just so much fun! The vibe, people and culture is amazing and there is always so much going on surrounding the event. Never a dull moment.

Q.It's no secret that you win a lot. How do you reward yourself?
To celebrate I usually do something simple like a nice dinner with family and friends. But, I must admit I have done quite a bit of shopping since the season ended though, oops!

Q.You rock a bikini like a true surfer chick. Do you EVER feel insecure in swimwear or is it smooth sailing...

Are You a Fitness Lover Who Can’t Sleep? Join the Club Because I'm an Insomniac.


Exercising frequently mixed with sleepless nights is not a good combo. To perform your best athletically and get the best results physically, you need sleep. I’ve been struggling with this problem for years because I’m what they call an insomniac. I hate the word because it sounds criminal, but what I’ve learned is that not sleeping is a crime against the body especially if you work out. For years I've been telling people the value of sleep without getting the full experiencing myself. I'm not proud of it but I'm working on getting better with the 8 tips in this article. And the pic you see above is proof!

I'm taking baby steps because just like nicotine or hard drugs, my insomnia is hard to let go of. I've become addicted to staying up all hours of the night and I've somehow learned to function on only 4 hours of sleep. Everyone has a story, mine starts with a father who used to stay up late watching TV. I think I emulated this behavior but...

MizzFIT Teams Up with JackRabbit NYC - See the Windows and Join the Resolve Campaign!

Guess what?! The JackRabbit Sports store in downtown NYC (on 14th street) let me turn their storefront window into a stylish Winter Runderland. The big news is that I've teamed up with JackRabbit Sports to bring you their best Resolve Campaign ever for 2012!

It all started on Dec 8th when I took over JackRabbit's windows and went crazy with all kinds of snow supplies. It was all in the name of outdoor running, which shouldn't become obsolete when the temperature drops.

You can still run outside comfortably if you're suited and geared up based on 2 things: 1) warmth and 2) functional style. Take inspiration from the 2 bunnyquins I styled. Everything they're wearing is made for cold-weather running and it's all very stylish. Like these limited edition New Balance run shoes which are unisex-ually amazing. Don't be scared...just let them hug your feet with their feather-light love.

Every piece is tailored for movement and built with insulation as well as...

Detox Mixologists Come Clean. Read about it on MizzFIT's Celebrity Sweat!


To read the interview click the link below:

Celebrity Sweat Interview with Zoe Sakoutis and Erica Huss, founders of the famous BluePrintCleanse

If you've tried BluePrintCleanse please share your experience in the comments section below. I'd love to hear why you tried it and what you got out of it. Let's get a conversation going for newbies who are considering this detox option. Plus, I always like reading your some of you know I'm a juice-lover and have tried many a cleanse. There are some that I dig and some that I don't. I sincerely think they're all VERY DIFFERENT.


Zoe Sakoutis & Erica Huss - BluePrintCleanse Founders

Q.You're the brains behind the most tried and talked about juice cleanse. What was life like before it all started?

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Erica: Immediately before, I was working in PR for food, wine and chef clients.  Prior to that I worked in various areas of the hospitality business—events and catering, bar & restaurant management.

Zoe: I was also working in hospitality, mainly bartending, and studying nutritional healing at the Ann Wigmore Institute.

Q.What made you both want to get in the “cleanse” business?

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Zoe: The fact that there wasn’t one...


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