I'm 35 years old and what makes me a strikingly different person than my 20-year-old self is that I care a lot more about my health. With the exception of an ocassional late night Insomnia Cookies order, I take waaaaaay better care of myself now.
God, if I could go back and undo all the terrible things I did to my body and skin in my 20's I'd be in a time machine in a heartbeat! And I'd smack myself silly before getting into all those damn tanning beds! If I had only known to do what works for me now. Oh well, stupid 20-year-old self, good thing you no longer run the show!
One of my best pieces of advice for women in their 30's is to always stay hydrated. It really doesn't matter the time of year or season, we need water for our bodies to function effectively, to lubricate our joints, revitalize our skin and have good poops. There are more reasons but these are my favorites. In fact, I'm going to share 5 hydration tips with you that never fail me. But since I like to tell stories, you'll get them in the context of a recent trip.
Hydration Tip #1: Carry Water With You Everywhere. I recently traveled to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic for a work-cation. I'm wary of airplane water so I took my own filtered water in a Bobble Sport Water Bottle. You should get one of these because they're design-y, flexible, grip-able, have 2 points of closure and are made for fitness too! I have a few in different colors because I like to coordinate them with my outfits.
I looped my Bobble Sport onto my luggage handle pre-boarding and tucked it into the airplane seat pocket while in flight. Having filtered water spared me the feeling of bloat and fatigue after my 4 hour long flight. 8 glasses of water a day is what they say.
Be it summer or winter, your skin and overall health will improve the more water you drink. So make it easy on yourself with a Bobble that can go everywhere you do. Mine went with me from New York City to my hotel room at the Hard Rock Punta Cana, and then straight to the beach!
I'm giving a few lucky Mizzfit readers a Bobble Sport if you can tell me what you'd reprimand your 20-year-old self for doing that wasn't healthy back in the day. I already told you I had a tanning bed obsession. Now it's your turn to reveal in the comments section at the end of this article. And if you're still in you're 20's, TAKE IN ALL THIS ADVICE!
Hydration Tip #2: Soak In Water. My room at the Hard Rock Punta Cana was unreal. I mean who puts a gigantic jacuzzi in the middle of room, nearly at the foot of the bed? A pure genius does! A hot bath is the original hydrotherapy, afterall.
I believe that soaking in sea water or in a bathtub with sulfate-free, non-irritating soap/bodywash is one of the best hydrating treatments you can give your skin. This article on the health benefits backs me up. A jacuzzi takes things to the next level with water pressure that both massages and aids in circulation.
I might have spent more time in this jacuzzi than I spent in the ocean in Punta Cana but I definitely clocked time in both :) Wherever you soak, make sure to lock in moisture afterwards with a nourishing body oil or lotion. Additionally, here are some helpful tips on a better hot bath HERE.
Hydration Tip #3: Spritz On Water. I'm a dry skin girl, unfortunately. Just born with it. I've actually opened up about my eczema in this video here. But I won't let it stop me from having a glowing, hydrated face. My secret weapon is a facial mist. I use Christen Michel's Replenished Daily Spritz after washing my face and throughout the day to keep my skin from feeling stiff and crackly. I also love Tatcha's Dewy Skin Mist made with botanical extracts.
Both are fragrance and paraban-free, and can be spritzed over your makeup too. Christen Michel's Replenished Spritz is small and light enough for your purse, gym bag or beach bag. Leave the Tatcha Mist in your beauty cabinet as it's a little heavy.
Hydration Tip #4: Single Serve Hydrators. I recently discovered Rescue's all-natural single use application Serum Concentrate and Ultra Moisturizer. Love them because they're the perfect serving of hydration (plus a collagen boost) for your skincare regimen in the morning and at night. They definitely made packing for Punta Cana really easy!
30 packets come in a box. That means no more toting around bottles or missing out on moisturizing your face post-workout. Throw 'em in your gym bag--easy peasy! Many thanks to my friend Viviere Bella for turning me on to Rescue.
Hydration Tip #5: Flavored Water. I realize that telling you to hydrate with water is boring because you've heard it a thousand times before. Adding flavor always makes things more interesting. When I'm not chugging from my Bobble Sport, I'm sipping from my Cirtrus Zinger.
I like to add lime or orange to my water but you can squeeze in whatever fruit you like. There's a built-in juicer that lets you squeeze in flavor and separate your fruit of choice from your H2O. The Cirtrus Zinger is a smarter choice than artificially flavored water drinks. It keeps your water all-natural and helps you stay hydrated unlike all those packaged beverages at the store.
Dehydration Warnings! Just to make sure you're staying hydrated, I wanted to include the telltale signs of dehydration. If you feel any of the following things, it's time to hydrate:
- Urine that is darker than usual
- Dry mouth
- Sleepiness or fatigue
- Extreme thirst
- Headache
- Confusion
- Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
Win a Bobble Sport! I'm picking 2-3 winners on Dec 1st, 2014. All you have to do is tell me what you'd reprimand your 20-year-old self for doing that wasn't healthy back in the day. Thanks for entering!