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My Debut on Hollywood Life TV w/ Chloe Melas


I sat down with Chloe Melas of (who BTW has one of the coolest jobs in online entertainment) to talk about celebrity fitness favorites and how YOU can easily spruce up your workout wardrobe for the gym. All it takes is a little fashion motivation, my friends. My stylish bandwagon awaits you. Take a looksy and a listen to my tips shared with celebrity interviewer Chloe Melas. Just click the video box or link over HERE.

And PLEASE leave comments. I love hearing from you. Your comments make my day and always inspire me (maybe not the spammy ones or the haters but you get what I'm saying). I'm going to choose 1 random winner from the comments section to win something brand spanking new and fabulous from my fitness closet (to be picked on Nov 9th, 2011). I'm excited to read what you all have to say!

Big thanks to Hollywood Life for inviting me to talk shop with them! And to Miss Chloe: I'll see you soon for your Style Up 2 Shape Up session...

BUTI & The Babe: A Sexy Workout Story



BUTI is a high-intensity workout that mixes yoga, plyometrics, conditioning and dance into a tasty Kool-Aid that you'll want to drink to reach new physique highs. It's turning average bodies into hard bodies and making MILF's out of new moms. What's not to love, right? But that's not all. The story isn't complete without the belle of the workout: Miss Bizzie.



Bizzie Gold is the smart cookie behind BUTI (pictured below). As a former fitness competitor entering motherhood, she wanted to keep up with her personal fitness routine but found that she didn't have as much time to put into it with all the preparations for her baby. She was teaching traditional Hatha Yoga classes and began experimenting by adding various styles of dance, plyometrics, and conditioning to her classes. In her mind, it was saving time by putting everything she wanted to do into 1 workout. BOOM! The results--sleek, toned muscles--were amazing! She...

Bridge, Sweat and Tears: The Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp DVD Is Transformational


Have you ever finished a workout dvd and noticed that you didn't break a sweat?

It happens to me all the time. And sometimes it's not because the workout sucks. It's because it lacks energy and quick transitions from one exercise to another. of these factors stimulate your workout. That's why I'm stuck on (ok...obsessed) with Ariane Hundt's Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp DVD. I've never had a better workout in my living room. If you're looking for a change--a physical one--you really need to try it.


Meet Ariane

That's her in the photo below with the infectious smile. I feel that I have to introduce her first before I tell you more about her killer DVD. Why? Because Ariane is sooooo different than every other trainer I've met. She's not glam, doesn't have a boob job and isn't trying to be famous. She is the real deal Holeyfiled--a personal trainer with a masters in nutrition who won't waste your...

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