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FitFlops for Tip-Top Legs
Loving the new FitFlop Walkstars. These sandals will complement your fitness routine by giving your legs an extra workout while you walk. FitFlops work your thighs, butt and calf muscles. The updated design is less orthopedic looking and the new colors are bold and stylish. Summer isn’t over yet so indulge your bottom half at
Bikram Yoga St. Louis is a HOT MESS
I went to Bikram Yoga St. Louis excited to experience Bikram yoga in my hometown. The 90 minute heated yoga class sounded intense and challenging. I walked into the studio with an open heart and mind, prepared to sweat and learn something new. Unfortunately, my experience was disappointing. First impressions are incredibly important and I was really surprised to see how this yoga studio made no effort to greet its clientelle as they walked through the door. I was completely ignored for 5 minutes while the front desk staff chatted about their plans for the evening. They noticed me standing there but decided their conversation was much more important than registering me for class. When I was finally addressed, one of the front desk girls asked if it was my first time at the studio. I replied yes and what followed was the rudest and worst customer service I’ve experienced in a long time.
With a high and mighty tone to her voice, the...
The Scoop on the Hoop
Channel Your Dream Body with Chanelle
If you’re a fit-conscious female living in NYC then you probably know about Physique 57. You probably take a class there at least once a week. You probably own a few pairs of carpet gripping socks. You probably have a favorite Physique 57 instructor which means you probably know Chanelle. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then go to and sign up to experience the workout trend that’s sculpting NYC ladies (and some gents) into lean, sexy hard bodies. I suggest you take a class taught by Chanelle.
Chanelle is a Physique 57 cult favorite. She defines fitness inside and out. Her classes are fast and furious, and word on the street is that she’s one of the hardest instructors. When I took her class, I was impressed by the ass whooping she delivered with a cheeky smile. I wanted to hate her but instead I went back for more. I’m hooked on her BLT therapy (butt, legs & thighs) and...
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