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Want to be a TV host or on-air expert? Take this class!
Hey guys! So years ago when I first got started with this website, I experienced unexpected spontaneous success. I had networks calling me, asking me to come on their shows to do fitness fashion segments. I was completely unprepared to appear on these shows. One of my 1st on-air moments was the Today Show. While I was proud of myself in the moment, I can't help but cringe every time I watch the clip. I did not have the skillset to appear on-air, had no idea what the hell I was doing, and could have potentially killed my career. Luckily, I had a wonderful publicist who helped guide me towards media training and hosting training. But let's just say I learned through trial and error with the Today Show. My mistakes on-air made me want to be better, eventually leading me into a career a TV and digital host! The story is a little bit longer than what I've just shared but the point is that if you envision yourself speaking online or on TV, you really should learn the basics. It's...
How To Treat Pregnancy Pain
I've never been pregnant but these ladies are! Meet my 2 friends: Kristin McGee and Nadia Murdock. They're both fitness experts, like me! But they've got a leg up (or maybe a belly up?) on me when it comes to the baby game as they're both very close to their due dates. Watch the video above. Give the image of Kristin & Nadia a click! Watch it HERE too! In my interview with Kristin and Nadia, I ask how they're able to maintain their fitness routines. Honestly, it seems hard to me (even as a fitness fanatic). I imagine myself wanting to veg out in front of the TV all day. The idea of carrying around all that weight in your tummy seems like a workout in and of itself. Kristin and Nadia go on to share that there's lots of sensitivity affecting your growing belly and other parts of your body, too. Kristin and Nadia use Topricin pain relief creams. It's came as no surprise to me as Topricin is a health industry favorite for its all-natural, non-irritating products. I...
Got workout soreness? Relief is here!
Exercising frequently and playing sports takes a toll on your body. There's always going to be soreness and injury. You really can't avoid it if you're passionate about fitness and like to push yourself hard. It happens to newbies, too. Especially when your body hasn't quite acclimated to routine training. Over the years, I've learned a lot of tricks and natural healing methods to help my muscles recover faster and get me back into the game. These are just a few... Cold & Hot Therapy - Make sure to ice areas of inflammation and swelling followed by soaking in a hot bath to relieve pain/soreness. Epsom Salt added to a hot bath is extremely soothing for your muscles. Or, any kind of high magnesium based salt. Essential oils (mixed correctly) can relax and calm tense areas. Homeopathic biomedicines like arnica, calendula and echinacea can be just as effective as over the counter pain relief pills and narcotic pain killers. And they're better for...
Most Comfortable Fall Styles
I recently appeared on CT Style to talk about fall fashion trends built for comfort. Watch the video above! We see pictures of celebrities and popular fashion bloggers in amazing outfits, strutting down the street, all the time. But are they really comfortable? Because most high end and experimental fashion is NOT. While I have die hard respect for the fashion world and 'fess up to wearing uncomfortable looks myself (in my quest to slay), it's just not fun being in a state of discomfort. Because even though you might look like a million bucks all you're really thinking about is changing the moment you get home. Or in my case, removing your heels under the table when you think no one is looking. I can't bear heels that pinch my toes! Every brand featured in the video above is one of my favorites for making pieces that feel good on your body. None of it is sponsored...just things I discovered on my own. When I moved to a new apartment recently, I re-assessed my wardrobe and...
Well+Good Fitness Biathlon with Vega
Every now and then I do back-to-back workouts, and let me tell you, it's not always fun. You get so sore! But, when Well + Good's Fitness Biathlon is happening, I'm ALL IN. It's an amazing multi-city event that takes place every year to raise money for wellness-focused charities and organizations. The best local fitness studios participate and everyone who signs up gets to pick 2 studios for a back-to-back workout. This year's charity was Young Survival Coalition and I believe over $25,000 was raised. The biathlon kicked off in New York City in the mid-afternoon, which made it nice and easy for Saturday late risers to commit (myself included). I was ecstatic that I got to select my team by neighborhood and revist 2 boutique workouts that I haven't done in ages: Aerospace & Peloton. When you sign up for the biathlon, you're given team choices or "tracks". It's great to do with a group of friends. You literally run to your next class once you finish the first,...
Yoga in a Salt Room. Win This Experience!
I tried yoga in a salt therapy room and loved it! Watch the video above by clicking the "Is Salt Healthy Or Not?" image. You can win the experience I had by reading this post and leaving a comment at the bottom. I'm picking 3-5 winners by November 1st, 2016. Unique workouts are my thing, but doing yoga in a room covered in salt from floor to ceiling was definitely a first for me. I had no idea how it was going to play out until Ellen Patrick explained that we would be doing traditional poses on a thick layer of Pink Himalayan salt at a pace that's much slower and less balanced than we're used to. It would take extra focus and lots of deep breathing, but once we surrendered to the salt and it's uneven surface, we would be in a state of relaxation like no other. All I can say is that I have an entirely new view of SALT! For years I thought salt was my enemy. I had no idea that it could help alleviate my eczema, regulate my sleep schedule, clear up my congestion and just...
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