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Most Stylish Fitness Tracker - Get 20% Off!

I've never fallen in love with a fitness tracker that could be worn as jewelry until I came across Mira. The tracker itself is a black shiny oval shaped piece that clips into a metal slip-on bracelet. The 2 pieces together are minimal and sleek in away that far out-styles FitBit, UP by Jawbone, Nike+ Fuelband and similar black band trackers. Additionally, Mira was designed exclusively for women. I won't say it's cheap because it's not. Mira retails for $169 online. But what you're paying for is great technology, an app that doesn't baffle you but inspires you and a piece of jewelry that looks good with anything you wear. The 2 metal bracelet finishes--Midnight Purple and Brushed Gold--blend exceptionally well with silver and gold tone jewelry. Most people won't even notice you're wearing a tracker because it looks like a fancy bangle. Here are a few more reasons I love my Mira: To activate the clock, all I have to do is press down on the black screen. The...

Don't Crunch! Twist Your Abs.

Swimsuit season is here and your abs are DYING to see the sun. But are you ready to show them off? Here's a great way to do that... TWIST AND TURN YOUR ABS INTO FITNESS MODEL SHAPE! Yes, it's totally possible AND you don't have to do hundreds upon hundreds of reps to get the kind of abs I'm talking about. Twisting is far from a new concept but rather an alternative to the abdominal crunching you're used to. Twisting and turning is how I work out my abs and I wouldn't be blogging about it if I wasn't seeing results. Why should you TWIST? Crunches aren't always good for you. The repetitive up and down crunching of the abs can actually put a strain on your back and spinal discs, creating injury down the road. Think of your body like a credit card. The more you bend it back and forth over time...SNAP! Well...not literally, but you get the point. You want to give your back and neck a break. A lot of people pull on their necks during crunching which can...

Get Caliente Calves For Summer

I went on Pix11 Morning News in New York City today to share my Caliente Calves routine, which you're going to love for summer! It's really simple and you can do it at home without any equipment. Reporter Lisa Mateo didn't even wear shoes and she did just fine :) But first, why should you focus on working out your calves? These are my uncontestable reasons: They give your legs shape. They show off muscle tone, which tells people that you work out. They're SEXY! These days, it's not just about hips and booty. As I said on Pix11, calf curves are IN!   The secret to building sexy calf muscles is exercises with quick and powerful movement. Watch my clip from Pix11 this morning to follow along and start sculpting!   The Pix11 producer had to cut 1 move out of my routine before we went on-air because the segment was only a few minutes long, so I uploaded the full version of the Caliente Calves workout to the Mizzfit YouTube...

The Habits of Go-Getters

I recently participated in a wonderful interview series that's making its debut right now. It's called The Habits of Go-Getters interview summit. A really astounding young lady and go-getter herself, Katya Meyers, created the interview series to share what happens behind the scenes in the lives of successful health & wellness oriented professionals. I'm honored to be a part of her series and my interview is LIVE and ready to be heard by clicking RIGHT HERE. You'll receive a recording link once you're all signed up. And yes, it's FREE! Before you give a listen though, I want to share my thoughts on what Katya Meyers is doing. When Katya first reached out to me and shared a bit of her life with me, I was really impressed with her background and how she left a traditional career path to pursue an endeavor her heart was stuck on (racing). But most of all, I was struck by how Katya took the time to create her Go-Getter Series and visualized something extremely collaborative that...

Love Made Me Do It! Win My Tee!

If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen me wearing this t-shirt a lot lately. Well, there's a reason for it. I completely fell in love with it! I got in touch with the designer, Geneva Peschka from SunandDaughtersCo on Etsy, to find out more about the inspiration behind the shirt. She told me that over the last few years she's been doing a lot of self work and stumbled across Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein. Spirit Junkie and the book A Return To Love by Marianne Williamson really helped open her mind and heart to all the amazing possibilities that can happen when someone chooses love over fear. Such a good lesson, right? But not always so easy either. Fear can be a huge obstacle to kick over. Geneva bravely decided to act on the lessons she learned through these books and noticed her life change drastically for the better. She told me: "I am definitely a LOVE ambassador in all that I do, and I decided I wanted to create something to remind myself and others of...

GoRoll: Gym Bag Overachiever

-- This is a guest post by Laura Diniwilk -- Hello, everyone!  My name is Laura and I am a first time Mizzfit guest contributor as well as a fitness enthusiast and beauty/lifestyle blogger.  Bianca gave me the opportunity to review GoRoll because I mentioned I was looking for a carryall to go from work to the yoga studio. The KarmaRu by GoRoll ($89) meets my needs and then some.  I am a sucker for multitasking products, and this product serves as a gym bag, yoga mat sling, purse, locker, masseuse, and stretching partner.  I have never seen a similar product with so many unique features before! The KarmaRu is large enough to hold everything I need for a post-work yoga session.  I roll up my yoga clothes, brush, hair tie, and water bottle in the bottom of the tube and stick my mat on top.  At first I was confused about this design because I didn’t want to lose the lid or have to carry my mat separately, but the smart folks at GoRoll...

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