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Run from Domestic Abuse with the Help of Women

I just couldn't keep hanging on, and neither should you. I found myself in a pretty unhealthy relationship last year. I was constantly being told my body wasn't right and forcefully pushed away when I tried to remedy a fight with a hug. There is more...but that's not the point. My intention with the video I've made called Run from Domestic Abuse: A Lifesaving Message for Women, which I hope you'll watch, is to spread a message of support amongst women. Why? Because we have the power to physically and emotionally uplift women from a dark place to one of hope and forward movement. It's just that simple.

I get it. Some relationships are hard to leave. But you should never stay in one that doesn't bring out the very best in you or that leaves you feeling smacked down. Abuse comes in many forms and women have experienced it in many ways, whether verbally, psychologically, or worse, on impact. They all hurt and tear us apart. I feel for the women going through it right now but I can...

Thank You, Norma Kamali, and All the Woman Who Empower Me!

This is it! My favorite celebrity interview so far! We’ve got to live our lives by our own calendar and pay the next woman forward with a lot of insight. Gobble up this episode of my  “Women Who Empower” series featuring fashion designer and wellness guru, Norma Kamali.

Women like Norma fill my head and heart with amazing love, courage and ambition. I mean, just look at what she’s created! It’s a mega-brand comprised of fashion, fitness and wellness. And on top of that, she’s nice, introspective and thoughtful!


I’m so lucky and thankful to know and learn from such smart, successful and giving women as I wander down this path called “my life”.  If you make it through the entire video (which I hope you do because Norma makes some powerful points), you will come across this message from me:

It took many years of growing up for me to be able to write this. Mostly, because I’m competitive by nature. I like being the...

Why I Love Pamela Anderson, Hate the Holidays and No Longer Feel Like A Blimp


On the frigid morning of November 4th of 2013, Pamela Anderson and I both set out to run the New York City Marathon dressed in adidas sportswear. Here's proof of me running with a little self-filmed video:

Here's proof that Pamela ran...everything about this picture is amazing!

I beat Pam to the finish line by nearly 2 hours but that's not the point. Pam has moxie. It's SEXY and definitely something we can all learn from. Know what moxie is? As a Jewtina (half Jew, half Latina), I'm only HALF aware of Jewish lingo but this term happens to be one of my favorites:

mox·ie  n. Slang  The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.

I don't know Pamela Anderson personally, but I read an interview she did pre-marathon and I was blown away by her determination to run even though she's (a) not a seasoned runner and (b) was admittedly struggling with her training. This is where "moxie" comes into play. But before I go into...

Getting Real on the Naturally Beautiful Show with Nitika Chopra

Nitika Chopra is a wellness force to be reckoned with...and I have a hunch she might be the next Oprah! So when she invited me to come on her Naturally Beautiful show on the Veria Living Network to talk about my fitness journey and share some MizzFIT Tips, I had to say YES. Check out our convo and tell me about your own journey. We all have our stories, right?

Gearing Up For My Last Long Race. After This, I'm Done!

I've run more marathons, half-marathons and 5 to 15K's than I can count. This year's 2013 New York City Marathon will mark the last notch on my fuel belt. Who am I kidding? I don't even own a fuel belt--they're hideous! But I do have valuable RUNNING & RACE PREP TIPS to share with you from many years and countless hours of pounding the pavement. It's my way of passing on the torch to you as I wrap up my own training for the last long race of my life.


WHY? Because my legs can't take it anymore. Last March, THIS HAPPENED to me at the start of a half marathon. I sprained the peroneal tendon in my left leg and couldn't exercise or walk normally for weeks. For a fitness girl, that's HELL! But I know why it happened...and I felt it coming on. I've run a lot in the past decade of my life and my legs need a break from the stress of running too much and too far. So this is it! No more marathons after November 3rd, 2013. I will continue to run...

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